Chapter 3

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"You almost done Jellybean?" Hannah knocks on Bailey's door, she had sent Bailey to get dressed, a half hour ago.

"One minuet Mama!" Bailey yells from the other side of the door, and Hannah rolls her eyes. Grace walks behind her again and wraps her arms around Hannah, setting her head on the shorter girl's shoulder.

"She can be just like you sometimes," Grace mumbles, pressing her lips to Hannah's cheek, "And other times, she can be like me, can't she?"

"It's not a bad thing, I just want to get shopping done." Hannah chuckles as she leans into Grace, "Less shopping, more fun watching cartoons."

"You are a child." Grace scoffs, shaking her head. Hannah only smiles to herself before the door flies open and Bailey is standing there in jeans and a blue t-shirt.

"It's about time Jellybean." Hannah chuckles as she picks the small girl, but see's that she has a little frown on her face, "What's up Kiddo?"

"I wanna wear what you wear." Bailey looks straight at Hannah, and Hannah is taken back a little by it but smiles.

"And why's that." Hannah sets the little girl down on her feet, keeping her hand.

"Because you look, cool, Mama." Bailey looks up with her big brown eyes, and Hannah feels a part of her heart float.

Hannah looks over at Grace, who has a huge smile on her face, and leans down to Bailey's level, "Then, how about we go shopping for clothing like Mama's?"

"Really?" Bailey's eyes light up and her whole body goes straight as she smiles wide.

"Why not?" Grace smiles as she kisses Bailey's forehead, and Bailey wraps her arms around Grace's neck and kisses Grace on the cheek.

"Thank you Mommy." She giggles, grabbing Hannah's hand back on her own.

"You're welcome." Grace stands up, sending a smile over to Hannah.

They walk into the car, and Hannah get's Bailey buckled in, getting in the drivers seat and looking over at Grace, "You know I get all my clothes from the boys section, right?"

"So, she can as well." Grace shrugs her shoulders, "Hannah, do you see how much she looks up to you?"

"I know, but you know what other people can think if we dress her like a boy." Hannah bites her lip and looks at the steering wheel.

"We're not force dressing her like a boy." Grace shakes her head, "She wants to like you, that's the only thing that's happening here. And I'm no gonna say no."

"I know." Hannah starts up the car, "I just know how judgmental people can be."

Grace laughs a little under her breath, "I know you do, but look at you right now, huh?"

Hannah rolls her eyes and gives Grace a kiss before pulling out of the driveway. Grace looks behind her seat to see Bailey sitting there looking out the window, leaning her head to side, singing the song Hannah sings to her all the time. You Are My Sunshine.

Grace's heart fills with joy. She really didn't mind Bailey wanting to be like Hannah. Hannah and Bailey had such a strong bond, that it mostly didn't shock Grace.

Bailey turns her head away from the window, and spots Grace watching her. A smile comes across her face, "Hi Mommy."

"Hey Kiddo." Grace chuckles under her breath, "I love you."

"I love you too." She responds, looking back out the window and humming her song again.

The ride doesn't last much longer as they pull up to a Target, and Bailey unbuckles herself, opening the door herself (with a little bit of struggle) and waiting for Hannah to come over and hold her hand.

Hannah walks over and picks her up, putting her back on her feet on the cement. Bailey's grip is tight around Hannah's hand as they walk through the parking lot.

Grace walks over and grabs Hannah other hand, and Hannah laughs a little to herself, looking over at her wife, "You're a dork."

"Not as much as you." Grace gives her a wink, and Hannah shakes her head as they walk into the store. A bunch of people walk past them, there's no looks, nothing actually.

"Alright, come on." Hannah guides Bailey over to the boy's section of kids clothing, and Grace stands back and watches the two best things in her life pick out clothing.

It's nice for a little while, actually. Because Bailey has picked out an outfit with a button up and a pair of jeans. But there's sudden tap on Grace's shoulder and she turns to a woman who has her arms crossed that looks very mad.

"Yes?" Grace asks, a little afraid about what was going to happen.

"Are you her mother?" The woman asks, and Grace nods her head slowly, "Well are you doing letting her come in this section?"

"Ma'm, to be honest I don't think that's any of your business." Grace puts her hands together.

"Well, if it's going to hurt a child, than I think it is." She nods her head, putting her hands together, and Grace already doesn't like her, "And what are you letting her do with that dyke?"

"That dyke? I think you mean my wife." Grace feels herself do into a defensive mode, "And like I said, I don't think it's any of your damn business."

"You're going to corrupt that child." The woman growls under her breath.

"She's the one that had asked." Grace shook her head, "Could you piss off please?"

"So she's already corrupted." The woman narrows her eyes, "You people can't raise children right damn it."

Grace grunts under her breath as she watches the lady leave. Grace's arms are now crossed, looking at the tile. Bailey tugs at Grace's pantleg, "Are you mad Mommy?"

Grace gives her a small smile, "I'll be alright sweetie."

Grace could never be sad with Bailey and Hannah around.

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