Always | Mickey & Ian

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Requested By: Tykedra6

Genre: ❤️💙

Warnings: mentions of mental illness


You had been with the boys for a little over two years now, and they had grown used to your antics. It was a well known thing in your relationship that you suffered from quite severe depression, and occasionally you would go into manic episodes. Though these were never as bad as Ian's, it was more like you just became incapable of understanding the consequences of your actions.

They were fine when you randomly came home with bright green hair that one time. Or when bailed on work to see a movie you had wanted to see. They didn't question a thing when you got that dick piercing, though they did get you some ice.

No matter how manic you were, you never did anything too volatile.

But there was the other side to your depression, the side where you would curl up into a ball and hyperventilate over the littlest things. When any words spoken to you were like missiles, and any looks given were as sharp as knives. This was the side of you they had problems with. Not because they had a problem with you, and definitely not because they felt as though they had to deal with you.

It was harder, because they hated seeing you like this. So fragile, so cut down by the world. It broke their hearts.

So when you had come out of your manic state, finding yourself on the floor of the men's toilets in The Alibi. Kermit's face had briefly come into your blurred vision before quickly disappearing and being replaced by Kev.

The large man had picked you up off the bathroom floor, having shouted something that your panicking mind couldn't make out. You knew you were crying, you didn't really know why, but everything was just too much. You could feel Kev's hands digging into the flesh on the back of your thighs, prompting you to grab onto his shoulders as he carried you out of the small room. He was talking to you as he placed you into a booth, sitting next to you, but you couldn't hear a word.

It was like everything was too loud and too quiet all at the same time. Or the wrong things were too loud, and you couldn't make out anything else because of it. It only caused you to panic further, pushing yourself into the corner of the booth as your hands began pulling at your hair.

You yelled out when your hands were grabbed, Kevin trying frantically to keep you from hurting yourself while he waited for either Mickey or Ian to arrive. For a moment, Kevin sighed out, watching as you tried to pull yourself out of his hold. Sure you were a decently built lad, but you had just come out of an episode, in which you probably hadn't eaten or slept much.

"It's going to be okay, [Y/n]... they'll be here.." He muttered, knowing you probably wouldn't hear him, and praying that one of the two would get here soon, not sure how much longer he could keep the you physically restrained before someone got involved.

"[Y/n]!" Mickey burst through the front doors, out of breath and frantic looking. He had immediately made eye contact with Kev and came to your side, allowing Kevin to let you go as he took his place and held you close. "Hey.. hey [N/n], it's me.. hey.."

The calming mutterings were only heard between the two of you, the rest of the bar going back to business as usual. Kevin making sure no one would bother the two of you as Mickey worked on calming you down.

Eventually, you stopped crying, and even everything was still quite loud, it had evened out a lot. "Mickey?"

"Yeah, I'm here, I'm here." He had you tucked into the crook of his neck, petting your hair, your legs over his. "C'mon you idiot, let's get you home."


Ian had finally walked through the door, seeing you crying on the couch and Mickey contorting you.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I was on shift and by the time I got the message-"

"It's okay, just get over here and tell him to stop being an idiot." Mickey gestured to the man in his side, crying yet again, continuously muttering strings of apologies.

Ian kneeled down infront of you, a hand on your knee, the other on your arm that was squishing a pillow to your chest. "Hey, hey... you don't have to be sorry... you know that."

You looked up a little, peering at your two boyfriends over the cushion in your arms. You rubbed your eyes, trying to get them to stop watering. "I-i know- I just.. I know..."

You had stopped crying now, instead curling in on yourself. Ian and Mickey only smiled at eachother, knowing that these were just the steps to getting you on the mend. They knew now that you had stopped crying, and now that you would no longer apologise for being the way that you are, you would go into a mute state, at least for the next few days. Mickey pulled you closer to him, and into the middle of the couch, Ian getting up and grabbing some snacks from the kitchen as he took off his jacket.

"Princess Bride or Mama Mia?" Mickey called out to him as he set up the TV, laughing a little as Ian groaned at the choices. "Princess Bride it is then!"

A small peck was placed on your temple as Mickey got comfortable behind you. Ian coming back into view and sitting on your otherside, a bowl of treats in his lap. He held his hand out to you, which you hesitantly took, and as soon as the three of you got comfortable, the movie was playing.

This was always how it played out. Mickey would be the one to comfort and calm you, Ian coming in to remind you that they both lived you very much, and say all those mushy words that Mickey wasn't the best at. You would calm, going into your cocoon of silence and self reflection, and they would support you, cuddling you, giving you small pecks and watching movies with you to make sure you didn't spiral again.

Despite how awful you would feel for putting them through this everytime you had an episode, they would always reassure you that they wouldn't be here unless they wanted to be, unless they loved  you.

They would be there for you to in the following days, helping you remember what happened, and resurrect any mistakes you had made in your disillusioned state. They would always be there for you. Always.

Skulby- it feels weird to write a oneshot again, I didn't realise it had been this long. Also I'm like 45% high, so sorry if this feels a little too close to home with the whole panics and manics thing. But yeah, enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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