I will care !

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* Abhay Malhotra *

" I am sorry Aunty I should've told you , I just thought that -- " Aadhya was apologizing to Mom but got cut off by her

" That I am not like your mother right ? You are just like Sunita , she also doesn't like sharing her problems" She said wiping her tears and wrapping a band-aid .

" I am sorry Aunty , I didn't want to hide it . I just didn't want to worry you guys " She apologised for the fourth time
" You are not allowed to kitchen now , You worry people a lot " I said sternly

I was with her in the kitchen the whole time and I don't even know when she cut her finger ! She was just beside me and I didn't even bother to ask her if anything happened . Ughh why did I even ask her to cut the vegetables yaar ? And on top of it I snapped at her for nothing.

" I don't worry people , I am very able to take care of myself " I heard her say

" Sure you know how to take care of yourself . Didn't even bother to tell me , stupid woman" I muttered for myself .
" Did you just call me stupid ? " She asked looking at me angrily just like angry bird
" Yeah I did , so ? " I said with same tone .

" I'm not stupid you are , Why do you even care if I cut my finger ? " She asked looking away " I will care ! " I replied sternly . Ofc I would care about her more than she even thinks I would .

" Kids stop fighting , Adhu next time something happens you should tell and Abhay it is not your kitchen rather mine !
So stop fighting you both " Mom said and
We both nodded and looked away .

" Adhu as I've wrapped the band-aid you won't be able to eat . So , I will feed you today , okay ? " Mom asked and she nodded grinning .

" What about me ? " I whined sulking at mom " You're hands work right ? " Aadhya muttered to herself while I glared at her .

" Maa you should feed me too ! " I said whining again . It's been so long since she fed me , soo today she can feed both me and the little Angry bird beside me .

" Fine I will feed you both " Mom said and left to bring the food here while we both grinned .

My poor heartuu ! Aadhya stop killing me with your smile again and again .

My gaze went to her hand and I felt so guilty for shouting at her . I slowly took her hand which was resting on her knees and held her palm out . Her middle finger and the ring finger were cut near the nails . Her nails were also slightly ripped off .

" I am sorry for shouting at you " I said looking at her hand . I started to caress her hand to ease the pain . I don't know how she didn't even wince and bared all the pain . It must've hurted her a lot .

" It's fine " She muttered barely audible . I looked at her and she had this small smile and an adorable look in her eyes The door flew hung open and she swiftly took her hand back . I saw her shut her eyes in embarrassment as we heard my mom chuckle .

Maa fed her first and she closed her eyes savoring the flavours of the chole bhature . Glad that she likes it , I remember she used to eat it so much in our childhood

That's why I made that dish

* Aadhya Chauhan *

After having a delicious breakfast and checking-Aadhya's-hand-session by everyone to see if I am hurt .

We all sat to watch a movie but I guess my luck is bad as hell today . Abhay is sitting right opposite to me and I can't help but look at his throat ! Fuck that Adams apple of his . It looks so hot . Argh, when did I start having a thing for men's throat ?

Ever since you saw Abhay's ?
My conscience mocked me ,
I rolled my eyes at myself .

I kept staring at him so much that I couldn't even feel the pain of my wound while we were in the kitchen .

I was staring at his Adams apple again which just moved when he turned towards me , fuck ! I am caught !!
I quickly looked away and now the movie seems way tooo interesting for me

" Adhu how's the movie ? " Aru teased nudging my shoulder . She noticed!!
" I wasn't staring at Abhay ! " I said sternly " But I just asked you about the movie ? " She replied noncholantly .
Fuck ! What's wrong with me ??

" Um , Aadhya I guess we should go meet the wedding planner remember ? " I heard Abhay , I nodded and asked for some time to change my outfit !

Aru helped me wear my dress while Aunty helped in making my hair . I hugged her and muttered a thank you
She smiled at me and kissed my forehead

I went down and bid goodbye to everyone . I was taking my ipad out of my bag while going towards the door , when I got hit by someone's chest ?

" I am sorry " I muttered after I realised it was Abhay whom I bumped into . Just pull me inside the earth now . Stop embarrassing yourself Aadhya !!

I tried pulling the handle of the car but it didn't open , What's wrong with it ?

" You have to wait till the car is unlocked" Abhay said reaching the car and sitting inside . So nothing is wrong with the car , something is wrong with me !!

" I texted you about this company I saw online and I sent you the address also "
I said looking at my ipad . He hummed and started the engine . I started to make a PPT kinda thing for aru's wedding . Just gather all the pinterest pictures you like for the events and place them in a pdf
It would be easy to show them about the arrangements and decor .

It can be done in 20-30 mins but every freakin time this guy beside me changes the gear , his veins get exposed and I get distracted ! Fuck my brain for god's sake

I shrugged off my thoughts and started concentrating on the work more .
" We are here " I heard Abhay say , and I looked out of the window to see a tall building . I got out while Abhay went to park his car .

" But , I didn't know I should get an appointment to meet Mr.Jain " I said trying to persuade the receptionist for the past 5 mins . I forgot that people have to take appointments to go to a company !

" But ma'am -- " She was about to say something but stopped and instead
" Good morning sir , Mr.Jain is in his cabin " said to Abhay who just got here .

" She is with me too ! " He said and dragged me with him . I am confused ?!
" Raj Jain is my friend " He answered my unasked question in the elevator .

I nodded and completed adding details to the file . We reached the 16th floor and got out of the elevator . I followed Abhay blindly and we reached a cabin . I was about to knock but Abhay just barged in .

" Abhay learn to kno-... your girlfriend ? "
The man sitting in the CEO chair asked looking at me . I shook my head as no .

Abhay introduced me saying " Just my family relative " and I was a bit sad , He could've said that I am his friend right ?

We talked for a while and then I showed him the theme I've decided , Aru already liked it as I shared with her . Abhay also liked it and Raj was also okay with it .

In the afternoon I showed the decor to everyone and thankfully everyone liked it too . Aru decided to go shopping the day after tomorrow . We all had food and went to our respective rooms !

" Dadu chalo kahani sunao humein " Advik said as we younger clan gathered in Dadu's and Dadi's room and the whole day went by listening to his stories while I kept stealing glances of Mr. Abhay Malhotra.

I was just away from him for 8 years and he became this handsome?
Have I started falling for him ?

I wrote in a rush so there might be grammatical mistake pls don't mind...

Ohhhooo Aadhya seems to become more naughty day by day but the poor one is still confused about her love...

More cute and sweet stuff coming up by today or tomorrow morning so please wait and also Vote and Comment 🫣

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