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"Thanks, Vani," Terano sighed as the sorceress reverted everything back to normal with a flick of her wrist.

"No worries, you know, you should take revenge on Midari or something for all this," Vani replied as she picked Mary up and swung her around in the air, making the toddler excited.

"Now, how to deal with this one's biting habit?" She wondered. "Ah, I know. Just give her a handkerchief. It's a special one. Last time when Sayaka drank milk and chewed handkerchiefs, something happened with the milk and a hole appeared in her two front teeth overtime. This handkerchief will prevent that."

"Wait, they still drink milk?" Terano asked.

"Well yeah, they're both two years old," Vani stated. "Anyway, for Sayaka's crying...there's..."

Terano held her breath as she waited for Vani to reveal the secret to keeping the toddler calm.

" solution!" The sorceress finished cheerfully.

"Wha-? You mean we can't control this?!" Terano exclaimed as she pointed to the child on her lap.

"Well no, but giving her her panda and giraffe soft toys should reduce her crying by a significant amount. Though we already tried that for the past half an hour...which just prices how often and how much Sayaka used to cry when she was younger!"

"You took care of her when she was a baby? Just how old are you?"

"No asking a woman her age!" Vani huffed. "I am very young, for your information!"

Mary snorted and started to giggle.

"You wanna test me, brat?! I am extremely gorgeous and young! Did you hear me?! Young!"

Vani glanced at Terano who regarded her with a nonchalant expression.

"Humph...darn kids...ahem! Let's go get some food," Vani suggested. "Since everyone's back to normal."

She glanced at Yumi who had just woken up and nodded.

"Who wants sashimi?" Vani said excitedly. "I want some botan ebis!"

As she ran to the dining area with Mary in her arms, Terano paled as she remembered something.

"Hey wait! Are you even sure toddlers can eat sashimi?!"


"What...What is that?!" Yumi exclaimed as she pointed to Sayaka. The toddler sat on a high chair holding a botan ebi that was at least 30 cm long.

What was even more startling was that the toddler was consuming these delicacies at an inhuman speed, with six more empty prawn shells on the table beside her.

Meanwhile, Mary was chomping down on a baguette, finally putting her strong teeth to good use.

The two toddlers actually seemed to be getting along, now that Sayaka wasn't crying so much and Mary wasn't biting anyone.

Sayaka took a fresh new botan ebi from the stack on her large plate and handed it to Mary, who gave her half a baguette as an exchange.

Sayaka turned to Yumi and pointed at the baguette while Mary proceeded to chomp down the botan ebi, making small noises of delight on the way.

"Oh right, I'll cut it into small pieces for you," Yumi said as she demonstated her amazing skills by slicing the baguette into small cubes at an unbelievable speed.

Sayaka picked up one of the small baguette cubes and took a bite out of it, smiling widely as she did. She clapped her hands ecstatically and showed Mary the rest of the small cubes.

"They're really cute, huh?" Vani chuckled. "So so cute."

Just then, a loud ringing sound came from Terano's phone.

The Totobami Head groaned as she guessed who it was.

"Hey, Yumi, pass the phone to the two of them, the twins are calling."

Yumi received the phone and accepted the facetime request before passing the phone to the two toddlers.

"Oh curse me, how does this thing work?" Kirari grumbled from the other end.

Sayaka squealed at the sound of her voice and let out a jubilant laugh, clapping her hands once more.

"Oh? Is that my Sayaka?" Kirari chuckled as she finally managed to turn on the camera. "Oh my, aren't you so cute!"

"Sister, I believe it was my turn," Ririka interrupted. "Hey Mary! Are you having fun over there——oomf!" Ririka's mouth was squashed as Kirari pushed her away and leaned way too close to the camera, with the recipients on the other side only able to see her left eye.

"Sayaka darling! It's me! Do you miss me? What's that man's meat is another man's poison?"

"It's 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'! Now shoo! It's my turn!" Ririka shoved her sister out of the way and waved excitedly to Mary.

"M-Maryyy!!!" she exclaimed. "You didn't bite Terano or Yumi yet right? You look as cute as a jellyfish in a thermal flask!"

Kirari snorted. "Ah, so she's dead.
Finally. Now go away! It's my phone, you......lion in a carton full of milk!"

It was clear that the twins' knowledge of human insults were close to none.

Ririka glared at Kirari and pounced on her, pulling her hair. Kirari retaliated by tugging on her sister's Kitsune ears as the two engaged in a cat fight. Or Kitsune fight.

Mary and Sayaka seemed to enjoy the sight of this as they made the occasional squeal while the twins fought.

"Alright, enough! If you guys don't stop, we're going to hang up!" Vani warned.

Both twins halted in their tracks, with Ririka's hand at Kirari's nose and Kirari's hand at Ririka's neck.

They shuffled back to their original positions sheepishly.

"Ahem, my apologies," Ririka mumbled.

"Oh? Is that Vani? What are you doing there? Terano couldn't handle those two?"

"Yea," Vani laughed. "It was kind of funny. Anyway, I'm going on a vacation for a while after this so she's going to be alone again."

"Wait...what?! I can't take care of these two... gremlins by myself!" Terano shrieked.

Mary pounced on Terano at the insult made at her while Sayaka burst into tears, shattering the plates and utensils.

Kirari chuckled. "Shame on you, dear cousin. How could you insult my darling lil——"

Vani let out a surprised yell as her phone broke into pieces at the force of Sayaka's crying.

"Are you kidding me? I just bought that!" Vani groaned before she picked up her cousin and proceeded to comfort her.

Yumi was trying to pry Mary off Terano as the strong toddler ripped off the wheelchair's armrest with the sheer force of her teeth.

At the same time, Sayaka had turned around in Vani's arms to look for Kirari and let out a cry of distress when she saw the broken phone. Her crying nearly caused Vani's eardrums to rupture and in a moment of panic, the sorceress dropped the toddler to cover her ears.

This made Sayaka more angry as she gritted her teeth from the pain of falling onto the ground and started to kick her legs furiously.

Shockingly, this action somehow started a fire, which in turn activated the sprinkler system.

Terano, Yumi and Vani screamed as a shower of water droplets fell from the ceiling, drenching them and the furniture.

"What the hell! This is frog shit!" Terano yelled.

"There's no such thing, Totobami! I think it's horseshit!" Vani shouted back.

"This is the worst!" Yumi sobbed as she covered her face in hopelessness as Sayaka continued to cry and Mary bit off the other armrest of Terano's wheelchair.

It was evident that Terano and Yumi would be even more toast when Vani was gone the following day.

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