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(long chapter)
               Tuesday,July 4th
Nina apartment

   (long chapter)               Tuesday,July 4th                 Nina apartment

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Ja'nina Simone(nina)

"are we popping fireworks today" Key asked looking up from his phone, "yeah but we can't do it here,they don't allow fireworks" i mumbled

We were all sitting in my living they came over earlier this morning n i cooked breakfast n they been here ever since.

"alright who house we gone do it at" everybody looked at Kb. "no" he replied looking at them with a mug "why" i whined "stop that" he looked down at me.

"ion want to clean up all that shit after"he mumbled looking down at his phone "you not they gone help you" and as in i'm talking about the boys.

"says who" key looked at me making me laugh "boy y'all gone help" Makayla told him, he just rolled his eyes.

Over the past few weeks me and Kb have grown a bond and the girl Kennedy has still been texting me but i haven't been responding.

"y'all still not coming to my house" he said getting up going to the kitchen as i followed him, "awl she finna give him some of that pussy" Key said while laughing.

"why can't we do it your house" I asked Kb standing next to him "because i said so" he looked over at me "pleaseeee" i dragged out whining.

"alright man n stop all that whining" he shook his head n left the kitchen n i followed. " ok so we are popping fireworks at Kb house say thank you to Kb y'all can leave now i have to get ready"

I walked towards my door waiting for them to leave no one followed me. "get tf out my house what the hell" i said again n they finally headed towards the door.

i locked the door behind them n walked up to my room to take a shower. i got in the shower washed my body and my face and sat in the shower for a little bit listening to the music.

I got out the shower going to sit on my bed n i saw Kb. "whew you scared me" i took the lotion off my dresser n began to put some on. "Mb" he mumbled as he laid on he back with his hand in his pants n the other over his eyes.

"are you ok" i asked walking towards my closest to get some clothes, "yeah i'm just tired" he mumbled "well i'm not leaving to later you can take a nap until i'm done" an head nod was all i got as a response.

I looked at my options i had picked out to wear, i went for option two which was some light wash blue jean shorts with an black graphic t shirt n my orange n white dunks. I did my hair n put on some makeup.

Once i was finished it was going on 8pm so i decided to wake Kb up so we can go to his house. "Kb wake up we gotta go" i rubbed his back a little bit so he can get up.

"Kb" I said a little louder "alright" he got up stretching "you got a toothbrush" he asked going to the bathroom "yeah it's under the sink" he brushed his teeth n wiped his face n we left.

"go to the liquor store so i can get us something to drink" i told him since he was driving "come on" he said after he pulled into the parking lot.

                    Kb house

"how you wanna pop fireworks but scared" Jae asked me "bitch ain't nobody scared leave me alone" i rolled my eyes looking for Kb "what's wrong with you" he looked at me "nothing, let me get some" i looked at his cup.

"here" he passed me him cup "what's in it"i looked at him taking the cup "some Hennessy and D'usse" he mumbled as i drunk it.

"damn girl you gone drink all my shit"he laughed at me "boy it's more in there, this good tho poor me some please". i sat on the couch as everyone else came back in the house.

"let's play dare or drink" Key suggested, "do you mean Truth or drink" Niyha asked looking at him, " no truth or drink is boring, so come on everyone in a circle"

we sat in a circle on the floor, "ok who's first" we all looked around "i'll go first" The girl that came with Mon said "ok Asia i dare you to do your favorite sex position with Mon" Makayla said.

she did as told "ok Key you're next" everyone went n it was back to me "ok Nina i dare you to give Kb an lap dance" Asia said as i laughed "alright come sit on the couch" he did as told

i stood in front of him n bent over to touch my ankles n started twerking i got a little bit closer to his lap n started twerking some more. he grabbed my waist n i started to grind on him.

"alright chill out before we start fucking" Kn said as he felt his member rising. i started laughing n sat back on the floor, we played some more n the. just started drinking while talking to each other.


"but i don't wanna go to sleep Kb" i said to him as he tried to get me to lay down. "then what you wanna do he asked looking at me, "fuck" i told him n i kissed his cheek "no".

"whyyyyy" i whined "because you drunk now lay down" he told me "give me a kiss" i poked my lips out he pecked my lips a couple of times.

"ok come on let's gts now".

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