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Ja'nina Ball (Nina)

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Ja'nina Ball (Nina)

"Daddyyy she hit me". Aubrie ran towards Ka'mari as we sat at the park bench. "who hit you". Ka'mari picked her up while looking around. "her". she cried out pointing towards the park.

He walked over to where she was pointing with me following behind him. once we was where she pointed we saw a girl that was probably a year older than her she was tall brownish and skinny.

"excuse me did you hit my daughter". i said while squatting down to her eye level she just looked at me and rolled her eyes before she continued to play. "umm".

i stood back up not knowing what else to say. "come on Aubrie". i took her out of Ka'mari arms and placed her on the ground. "hit her back". i told her while wiping her eyes and she smiled.

She balled her fist up and hit her and her face the girl hit back of course and Aubrie continued to hit her the girl was still sitting on the ground so Aubrie had an advantage over her.

once the little girl started crying i stopped them from fighting and the girl ran off somewhere. "did you see me daddy". She turned around jumping around with a smile on her face.

"yes baby good job". Ka'mari picked her up kissing her cheeks while tickling her as she just laughed. "go finish playing so we can go get Aiden". told her once Ka'mari put her down.

she ran off to go play and we started to walk off to go sit back down. "excuse me did your daughter hit my daughter." someone said making me and Ka'mari turn around.

"you mean after your daughter hit our daughter? yes." i answered her question shaking my head. "well you should've came to me about the situation instead of letting your daughter hit my daughter".

the lady said getting louder now. i scrunched up my face n looked at Ka'mari. "or maybe you should teach your daughter to not go around hitting other people kids and maybe my daughter wouldn't have beat her ass if she ain't hit her".

i said with the same tone as her cause ik this bitch ain't think she was gone out voice me. "but like i said you should've came to instead of letting your daughter hit my daughter." she pushed her daughter to the side stepping closer.

"bitch who you walking up on." i looked at her with my eyebrows pushed together. "you the only person here." she said and stepped closer. i stepped back and hit her in her face. "bitch like i said who you walking up on."

i put my fist up getting ready to swing again. The lady tried to swing again but missed. i hit her again and she fell to the ground. i stopped hitting her after that because it's like i'm a mother what i look like fighting.

"come on baby let's go get Aiden". i grabbed Aubrie hand and we walked to the car. Ka'mari took her out my hand so he could put her in her seat.

"whew girl you stink." Ka'mari pinched his nose and she stared laughing. "that's not me that's you." she pointed in her face and laughed some more. he buckled her up in her pink seat and walked to the driver side.

we was going to pick up Aiden from Niyha house the boys had a play date and Malaysia is sick so she couldn't come to the park with us.
"Aidennn." Aubrie said loudly reaching her hand over to his seat when Ka'mari placed him in his blue seat to buckle him up. "Aubrieeee". he replied with the same amount of energy.

reaching his hand over as well and they held hands. Ka'mari walked back to the drives side and pulled out Niyha drive way. "are y'all hungry". i looked back while a smile on my face.

i honestly love being a mother they just bring so much joy into my life. "yes i want a happy meal mommy." Aubrie pocked her head out from behind my seat. "me too mommy". Aiden said before smiling and i just shook my head.

"mommy can i get my ipad".  i reached down into the glove compartment and grabbed both their ipads and headphones. "thanks". Aiden snatched it out my hand and plugged up his head phones and Aubrie did the same.

"what you wanna eat." Ka'mari looked at me once he stopped at the red light. i looked back to make sure the kids had on their head phones. "dick." i said calmly and shrugged my shoulders.

Ka'mari laughed and shook his head. "gimme a kiss." he turned he face towards mines with one hand in the steering wheel. i leaned in and gave him a kiss we pulled away once the light was green.

he drove for a little bit before pulling into the mcdonald's parking lot going towards the drive through. "what you want". he talked to me while i was leaned over his seat looking at the menu.

"some french fries large with some ice cream but i want the cone but for it to be in a cup as well". i told him sitting back in my seat.  "ok and anything else". the lady on the other side said.

"can i get ah boys happy meal with chicken nuggets and a girls happy meal with chicken nuggets". He responded. "and drinks". the lady said

"yeah uh fruit punch for both of em". our order popped up on the screen "get me a sprite". i told him "can i get a sprite and a number 2 meal and for the drink a sprite".  he told the lady and pulled out his card.

"ok that will be 20.23 you can pay at the window." Ka'mari pulled up to the window and paid and pulled up once more to get out food. "here". i gave Aiden and Aubrie their kids meal and sat their cups in the cup holder on the seat.

we are our food while Ka'mari drove us home.

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