Chapter 5: Thorn Filled Side

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     The snake banging itself on the door made a loud bang as Shinobu lean on the door, trying to use her body to prevent the door from opening. Surprisingly enough, the door didn't even move. Shinobu closed her eyes sliding down against the door to the ground. She's panting and sweating coldly, lightly patting her chest to calm her self down. Five pats after, she just placed it on her chest still feeling her fast heartbeat.

"I'm safe... I'm finally safe..." She thought still with her eyes closed sitting on the ground with her palm on her chest calming her self down. "F*ck whoever placed those snakes at the stairs!" She angrily cursed in her mind knowing full well who did.


Shinobu kept on angrily cursing him in her mind, as she do so, it seemed to have helped calm her down as her heartbeat finally slowed down. Finally calm now, she heaved out a sigh.

"Are you... alright?"

"Yes, don't worry."

Realizing she just talked to someone, she snapped her head up above her. She instantly backed away sticking her back to the door. The figure right in front of her is tall with a messy black long hair reaching the ground, they're wearing a plain white mask with no holes for the eyes at all, they're also wearing an overly sized black kimono completely covering their feet and arms with a red sash. The figure is also holding a square lantern with a bright red light instead of yellow like the one Shinobu just used.

Shinobu looked at them from head down then back to the head again. And the thing that caught her attention is not the mask but the chain around their neck. When the figure moved closer to her, she turned her head away with her eyes closed.

"Please don't hurt me." She pleaded holding her breath in as her tears are threatening to come out of her eyes.

Seconds passed and nothing happened, she slowly opened her eyes and turned her head to her front. She blinked seeing a pale hand reaching out in front of her with long sharp black nails with red tips. Shinobu looked at them puzzled.

"I'll help... you get up." The figure said in a rough and hoarse voice. An evidence of how damaged their throat must've been that even their voice got affected, it sound as if merely speaking a word is hard for them.

With hesitation and caution, Shinobu slowly held the hand offered in front of her and got up. Only then did she felt the pain from her injuries, especially from her ankle that she received from tripping and rolling down the stairs. She winced in pain and stumbled standing up, but despite the thin and dainty appearance of the hand holding her, it was strong enough to hold her up.

"Sorry, I must be troubling you." Shinobu apologized.

The red flame from the lantern then came out and went to cover Shinobu's wounds healing them before going back in the lantern. Shinobu stood up straight no longer feeling any pain around her body.

"You... shouldn't... be here." The figure said letting go of her hand.

"Well... I-I got curious about what's behind the door so..." Shinobu replied looking aside sweatdropping.

The figure then turned around walking away. That's when Shinobu saw the chain around their neck is connected to the ground and moving with them. She stepped forward to follow them but immediately retracted her foot from pain. She looked down and only then did she notice that the ground is completely covered in thorns, with no space big enough for a foot to step onto without torns.


The figure stopped turning around to face her. Seeming to know Shinobu's desire to follow, they lightly waved their hand to the side making the thorns move aside clearing a path for her. Shinobu immediately walked to them.

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