Manner Of Death: World's best Dad

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Tan: Alright, who put this on my desk? *shows a mug that says World's Best Dad*

Nam: That's pretty funny, but it wasn't me

Natty: Nor I

Sorn: Nor I? Natty, why do you say it like-

Tan: Sorn.

Sorn: Don't look here, I didn't do it.

M: I didn't do it. I'd offer to check the cameras, but the system's been down since last night.

Tan: I'm not mad, I just wanna know...

Tan: Who did it?

Oat: Hey, you haven't adopted us, we just live here.

Tan: Fine.... fine, whatever, I didn't wanna know anyways.

*A few hours later, dead of night*

Tan and Bun: *sleeping like normal*

Tan, suddenly sitting straight up: THAT!

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