Street {2}

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Vivid Street is no longer as vibrant as it was.

It was a small joke within those who lived there, saying it was Dull Street.
"Yeah, heard he actually came," Toya heard someone murmur to their friend. He had no clue who the 'he' they were speaking of was, it wasn't as though he cared. He could still faintly remember the street in its former glory, even if it wasn't necessarily at its highest, he doubted anyone would be able to revive it to the status it was once at.

He walked down the sidewalk, his head to the ground, uninterested in accidentally eavesdropping into conversations between strangers. Even trying to avoid listening in, he heard several people mention the same person, yet not saying his name. He continued walking, before getting knocked over by a stranger, scraping his knee against the hard concrete.

"Shit- sorry," the stranger said, with an oddly familiar voice. He held out his hand to help the blue haired, yet he ignored him, getting up himself.
"It's fine," he said, shaking his head before looking at the man.

Both of their eyes widened, before the man- Akito- scurried away, leaving Toya stunned, standing there.

"Akito...?" He whispered to himself, his voice somewhat strained as he stared at him as he ran away.

Is that the 'he' they were talking about?
"You- you just ran away?" Ena snorted, lightly banging her head against the table as she looked at the confused ginger.
"Dude, what else would I do? It's been years, you'd also be awkward around 'Zuki and the... other two," he said, glaring at the brunette. His mind couldn't rest, instead focused entirely on his encounter with the blue haired boy. He was annoyed at himself for running away immediately, but he couldn't think of what he'd do, and yet his mind scrambled to think of alternatives as if he could undo his response.
"I'd probably say hi, not run away like he's a murderer," she said between giggles, slamming her fist into the counter repeatedly. "Man, you're even more awkward around people than I thought."
"My god..." he huffed, walking away after jabbing her in the arm.

     He stared out the window, looking at the road nearby, Vivid Street. He noticed how empty, how dull it was compared to his memories of it. Was it just excitement from back then altering his memories? He wanted to believe that. He wanted to think that the street he had grown up on was still basking in its former glory, but he knew that its prime had finished. Even as he walked on the street (before it got interrupted by Toya), he noticed far less people singing there, let alone just walking. He could feel people glancing at him there with both surprise and confusion.

The ginger sighed, his thoughts once more returning to Toya. It frustrated him how this town was so heavily associated with the writer, the connection never having died out over the three years. He signed, a slight groan of annoyance escaping his lips as he closed his eyes, putting his weight onto the windowsill.

A beautiful sight, it was.

Such beauty, the sun holding itself high over the town, perfectly highlighting each individual feature of every building, every live house still opened on Vivid Street. The graffiti in otherwise almost empty alleyways that the sun reached into, the people who seemed almost minuscule from afar walking amongst the sidewalks, it brought a rush of memories into his head. He smiled lightly, the temporary hold that his encounter with Toya had over him having vanished. He got up before his admiration for the street near his apartment got interrupted by the ringing of a notification, earning a small, frustrated sigh from the man.

"Hey! Heard you came back, can I invite you to perform in the event in a week? Oh. Jesus, I just got here, how the hell do you even get wind of that... shit, do I even want to do it?" He muttered to himself, banging his fist against the windowsill. He quickly typed in yes before slipping his phone into his pocket, pulling out his keys. "Going out, I'll be back soon," he shouted to his sister, not bothering to wait for a reply.
He stepped outside, getting hit by a rather hot breeze. He gripped his pants, not used to the summer heat. Sure, he was out there earlier, but it wasn't nearly as warm out as it was now.

The ginger walked down the sidewalk, quietly listening to the street performances he passed by, only quickly glancing at whoever was performing. He smiled lightly, some of those that he passed by reminding him of his younger self, full of far too much hope. He was slightly sweating, yet it didn't bother him, he only continued walking.

"Oh..." he coughed, looking behind him at the familiar blue haired man. "Hey," he said awkwardly as the taller who was somewhat panting. He wondered if his physical health had improved, he clearly had more stamina than he did years ago. Unless he were misremembering, maybe he had far less stamina and energy, he couldn't clearly remember.

They stared at each other nervously, neither letting out a single noise other than their breathing.

Toya stared at the other, fondly remembering how things were years prior. It wasn't as though they'd ever go back to that, their relationship specifically, and it wasn't as though he hadn't moved on. He did, but seeing Akito after his phase of denial pained him in a way that he didn't understand.

He never liked not understanding his feelings.

"How h- how have you been?" Toya stuttered over himself, fidgeting with his hands.
"Do you need something?"
"Uh. Sorry, it's just been a while, and I, I didn't know you came back."
"Oh. I haven't been here for long, but I've been fine."
"Sorry for- for bothering you. I didn't think about how creepy it was to talk to you a bit after our, ah, encounter," he nervously chuckled, his eyes darting away. "Sorry. Bye."

He watched as the blue haired man hastily ran away, wondering if he should've said something else, though brushed it off instead. Jesus, Akito, it wouldn't go anywhere, he thought to himself, huffing. He looked around, sighing, not knowing what to do.


The event.

He might as well try to figure out the set list.
rushed, not well written, anywayd again this is being put on hold.

I know this is so insanely filler, but trust me the next couple of chapters will hold more content!

also sorry that this isn't really half as good as EDITOR, I'll try to make sure whenever this gets updated again that's it much better than it is right now

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