The suit and the coffee

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"You know you should really get some fresh air." Lyla suggests. "You should see some people."

"I see people all the time. I am the leader of a sociaty, if you haven't noticed. "Miguel answers. He is looking for unnormal things that might happen in the Multiverse.

"I meant no spider-people or animal." she says and blocks his sight. He tries to show her away from in front of his screens, which he fails do to her being holografic. "The Multiverse is fine. Plus you are the best man for a wedding which takes place in a few days. And you don't even have a suit."

"You can never know when will a Universe try to collaps." he says and moves his screens away from Lyla. "Plus I have suit."

"You had a suit." she corrects him. "You grew out from it. Now you need new one." she continues as she blocks his screens again.

"Can't you take care of it?" he asks in frustration.

"No." she says with a smile. He groans and walks away from the screens with his hands on his hips. "You need to get out of this building. Meet new people. You barely have any friends."

"I have friends." he answers.

"From this universe?" she asks back. He looks at her from the corner of his eye. "Thought so." he rolls his eyes as he turns away. "Do you even know what month it is? Or what day it is?" she asks him. "Or what's the time? Or when is the wedding?"

"It's june, friday and" he looks at his watch. "it's 7AM. It's on Sunday. And there is no Rehearsal Dinner. And tonight is bachelor day."

"Go out. Be free. Have fun." she says and he huffs. "Don't be a baby, Miguel. Just buy the suit to wear to that wedding and drink a coffee. Then in the evening you go to that party and you will have fun."

"Okay, okay just shut it. Ay, dios mio." he mutters under his breath. As he starts to walk away.

"You should change. You don't want to go in your spider-suit." she shouts after him. He groans as he walks out.


Half hour later.

*Meet new people. Have fun.* he thinks about the things Lyla told him and rolls his eyes. *I don't need to meet new people. And I don't need an artificial intelligence to tell me what to do.*

*But I'm still here. With a newly bought suit, sitting in a coffee shop. Drinking a coffee while eating a donuts. In sweat-pants and a sweatshirt.*

*This is stupid.* he thinks as he looks around the coffee shop. He is sitting in a booth alone, while everyone is talking with someone. *While would anyone sit here with me. I am not the kindest looking person. What would Lyla say? Smile more.*

He sees a little kid he lifts up his sunglasses and smiles at him kindly. The kid's lips curl downwards as he looks at him. Then he goes to cry to his mother. *Maybe without fangs next time.*

He puts back his sunglasses to how it was on his nose and goes back to drinking his coffee. *This is for the best. I don't need new people in my life. I have enough problems and responsibility without it.* He grabs his donut and bites into it. *Okay, this donut was worth of coming here.* He thinks as he takes another mouthfull bite. He is already on his second donut when he hears a familiar laugh coming from another booth. He can't see who is it so he listens to their conservations.

"And then what happened?" asks a female voice.

"And three days later she entered the apartment brutally, almost like how the police would do it, and shouted out loud:"I am a bride!" and show her hand in my face." another female voice says. But this one is familiar to Miguel.

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