The Bachelor Party

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"Mary?" Lyla asks back.

"Mary." Miguel answers her.

"B-but h-how?"

"Do this for two hours straight and you will get where I am now. And don't talk about it."

"B-b-but s-she was in that..."

"I said I don't want to talk about her." he yells and starts to walk towards the entrance door. "Send these gifts to her apartment." he orders her, hoping she still lives at the same place she did four years ago, before she moved in with him.

"Okay. But where are you going now?" she asks him as he storms off.

"Getting ready for that stupid bachelor party." and with that he walked out.

"For 8 hours?" she asks back but he couldn't hear it.


Miguel has been sitting in the bathtub for over an hour. The water is freezing cold but he can't get himself out of there. Not with her on his mind. He couldn't keep her out of his thoughts. Not even after working out for five hours.

She is just there. Her laugh, her face, her smile. The way her nose moved when someone said something she didn't liked. How she cooked for him. The way his shirts fitted her small body. Her body, her curves, the nicknames she called him. Her hands around him when she hugged him, his body on her. Her lips on his. The way she smirked when she teased him, or when she blushed when he did...

*The way you left her when she needed you the most. When she was the most vulnerable. When you were supposed to be next to her all day and all night.* his conscience says in his mind.

He gets out of the bathtub with a groan and grabs a towel which he wraps around his waist. He goes to the mirror. *I could use a shave.* He thinks as he touches his jaw. He takes out his electronic shaver from the drawer and shaves his face.

He walks into his room to the closet. He picks out a white button up shirt and black pants. He sits down on his bed and looks at the time 3.40 PM.

*Great, I still have two hours before the party.* he thinks *What should I do till then? There is only one thing I could do to pass the time.*


"O-M-G! You can't be serious right now!" Lyla says after two hours when she finds Miguel in his room. "Why are you still working?"

"Because the Multiverse needs a protector." he answers looking at his screens.

"Yeah, but there is no more anomaly around the Multiverse." she says as she appears in front of him. "But have you seen the time?" she says and shows him a clock. "You will be late from your own brother's bachelor party."

"At the start we will eat in a restaurant then we will go to some strip club." he says like he doesn't care, but starts to pack his things. "Plus every bachelor party is the same."

"And how do you know that if you've never been invited to one?" she asks in a playfull tone. 

"I've been on multiple." he says as he leaves. "Because I have friends."

"Yeah, keep saying that to yourself." she shouts after him.

*Who programmed her like that?* he thinks as he walks past some other Spider-Man, he greats them back coldly.

It's been over year since the accident with Spot, and there wasn't so many need to keep the Multiverse safe. This is the reason there is not a lot of Spider people here nowadays. They went back to their own universe, to their own life. In the past few months Miguel has been looking for causes that could break a canon event in any of the universes. But it never happened. Now he barely leaves the HQ, especially twices a day.

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