The wedding

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*There is no way back now.* Miguel thinks.*Don't be stupid. You are spiderman. You can do this.*

Miguel is in the hotel where he helps his brother getting ready, who is not even awake. *He was probably out again partying till 2AM.* His friends said they will help him get ready so Miguel left. They also told him that the wedding is going to be on the field. Miguel already saw some guest running around the hotel. He is just walking on the corridors hoping he bumps into someone before the wedding. Which is in three hours.

As he is walking he sees the wedding planner. He walks over to her.

"Hey, I just want to know. The bridesmaid's..."

"The groom is at the altar, the gromsmen walk in then the bridesmaids. Not together. The the bride." She answers not looking up from her notes.

Miguel chuckles nervously. "That was not my ques..." he starts but two women walk out the room towards the wedding planer. They are wearing the same dress. A light pink, long dress with off shoulder and with a corset. *Bridesmaids.*

"We can't find it. We can't find it." They say with panic as they walk over to her.

"What can't you find?" She asks back as she looks at them.

"The veil." They say in union.

"Oh god. It's still in the car... Let's go girls." She says and they walk past Miguel. He turns as they walk.

*They are bridesmaids.* he thinks *Which means the maid of honor is here too...*

"Jen! Also look for a bouquet. One is missing." Someone shouts from behind Miguel. He turns around as he hears the voice. He sees a woman still in her night gown.

"Mary!" He says and walks over to her. "It is so good to see you. And I see you are in a good a really good. If I can add..."

"Thanks..." she says.

"I know you are probably mad at me and you should be. I just want to say I am so sorry."

"Okay." She says as she looks into his eyes. "Sorry, I brain is not working properly."

"It is understandable." He says. *After months of chemo.*

"The doctors even say I have a memory problem." She says and lets out a sigh. "And however how I try I can't seem to remember you." She says examing his face.

Miguel freezes. And his mind goes crazy. *What? This can't be happening. This only happens in those sad romantic movies...*

His thoughts get interrupted by Rosemary's giggles. He looks at her.

"Got ya!" She says with a smile on her face.

He lets out a deep sigh he doesn't know he has been holding. "Okay. I deserved this."

"Yeah." She agrees still smiling. "But don't worry. I did this to a few other person."

"I started to think you want to take a revenge on me." He says and lets out a chuckle.

"With this? No. This is nothing." She says calmly. "I am still thinking about my revenge." She smiles.

"So, no shouting, fighting?" He asks and she shakes her head no. "Not even a slap?"

"I was thinking about it. But then I saw you. God. Look at you." She says as she eyes him up and down. "You are more muscle than man."

"I started working out." He explains as he adjusts his suit.

"Oh I can see that." She says and smiles at him.

"Ro!?" Someone shouts from the other side of the door.

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