[1.4] Ex

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"Hi! Welcome to Angelina's Cafe, what can I — Oh. Marina."

Mary Jane Watson, Marina's ex-girlfriend, and the only person in Marina's Earth that knows about her secret identity.

After fighting the Green Goblin, and almost getting MJ killed, Marina thought it was best they break up. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to save her next time, and from then on, Marina never told anyone else about her secret.

Both of them stared at each other for a moment, before MJ's co-worker cleared his throat. "Right! Um... What can I get you?" MJ asked, and Marina glanced up at the menu above them. "I'll have the Iced Matcha Latte, please." Marina responded, quickly grabbing her payment, and sliding it towards MJ.

"Some things never change, huh?" MJ smiled. Marina let out an awkward laugh, nodding. "I guess so."

It was currently past 11pm, and the cafe was close to empty with only a couple people busy working or studying. Soft jazz music played as MJ walked around behind the counter, preparing Marina's order.

The both of them never saw each other ever again after graduation, well — at least not until now. MJ was Marina's first ever girlfriend, and it took her almost an entire year to get over her. Seeing MJ again brought back a lot of feelings to Marina, and she couldn't help but wonder if the both of them would still be together up to now if they never broke up.

"Here." MJ handed the drink to Marina, their hands brushing against each other when Marina took her drink. "Thank you." Marina gulped, and turned her heels to walk away.

MJ bit her lower lip before calling out to Marina, "Wait, Marina!" Taking a deep breath, Marina turned back to MJ. "Do you think... Would you like to catch up sometime? When you're free... I don't know." She asked nervously.

Marina looked back at her with sorry eyes, "MJ... You know we can't." A wave of disappointment washed through MJ, and she felt her heart sink to her feet. "Right. Yeah, 'course. Thanks." She forced a smile out, before turning away. Marina stared at her for a few moments, before walking out of the cafe.

Stepping out of the place, Marina let out a heavy sigh. It took a lot not to turn back, and tell MJ that she wanted to catch up. That she wanted to try becoming friends, or even more again with her. Marina shook her thoughts away from her mind, knowing it was for the best that she kept her distance from MJ. She couldn't risk losing someone important to her again.

𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩

"Why so down, luv?" Hobie asked, walking on the ceiling beside Marina. She hummed, and took a sip of her drink. "What do you mean?" Marina blinked up at Hobie, who raised an eyebrow at her. Sure, Marina was usually quiet, but it was always peaceful silence with her. Never this — whatever this dead air was.

Getting off the ceiling, Hobie placed an arm over Marina's shoulder. He poked her cheek, "Your smile's curved downwards, and... ain't that your favorite? What kinda guy drinks his favorite, and looks so sad 'bout it?" Hobie pointed at her green drink. It is her favorite drink, but unfortunately — she got it from a person she wished she never saw again.

"I'm good." Marina smiled at Hobie reassuringly. "You don't look good."

Gently shaking her iced latte, Marina pondered on whether she should tell Hobie her encounter with her MJ. He did have an MJ, right? He mentioned someone named Mindy once. Perhaps they're in a relationship?

"I saw my MJ earlier." Marina spoke quietly, her eyes fixed on the ground as they walked in sync. Hobie leaned forward, curious to see her face. "That your lil' crush, or what?" She chuckled nervously, and stared into Hobie's eyes. "She's my ex, actually."


Hobie arched an eyebrow, and Marina nodded with a frown. "Yeah. We haven't seen each other in so long, and seeing her again — I don't know... I suddenly felt all these emotions come back to me. It's not like I want to be with her again, I just... I didn't realize how much I actually missed her." She stated, and Hobie nodded.

"Can't say I can relate, but if 'ya think you wanna try again, then what's stopping you?" Hobie pulled Marina closer, offering her a comforting smile. Marina looked up at him, and sighed. "A lot. A lot of things are stopping me." She answered.

Before Hobie could even say anything else, Marina's bracelet lit up with the words:

EARTH 5050

Hobie quickly nodded at Marina. Their conversation would have to be postponed till later, because for now, duty calls.

The two entered Marina's Earth through a portal and arrived in front of a cafe. A man in a suit that looked like it related to a Dalmatian was popping in and out of holes as two employees panicked for their lives inside.

Marina's breath hitched as she fixed her gaze up at the cafe's name, and recognized what it was. Inside, MJ and her co-worker was trying to stop this weird thief from robbing their cafe.

She gasped, "MJ!" and dashed inside. "Marina!" Hobie yelled, running after her.


𝐏𝐔𝐙𝐙𝐋𝐄, 𝗵𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻¹Where stories live. Discover now