[1.8] Boss

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As Miles' small tour on their way to Miguel's office continued, his question earlier seemed to have imprinted on Hobie's mind. He and Marina weren't dating, and he specifically told Miles' about his dislike against consistency, and labels.

For the first time in their whole friendship, Marina had openly disagreed with him. Although Hobie didn't think much of it earlier, he was now questioning things in his mind. He didn't have feelings for Marina. He didn't, he can't, and it wouldn't work out. It was stupid, but — he did have a knack for doing stupid and reckless things, didn't he?

It wasn't the first time that people asked about their relationship, but it was the first time that Hobie had wondered if there could be something more between the two. He snickered at the stupid thought, and Marina — who was walking beside him, looked at him weirdly.

"What's so funny?" She asked, and Hobie turned to her with a grin. "Ever thought of us dating?" He tilted his head, and Marina stared at him as if he was a ghost. "Excuse me?" She laughed awkwardly.

"What?" Hobie sent Marina a suspicious look. Dating him surely wouldn't be THAT bad, right?

Marina scoffed incredulously. "What did you just say? Why — Why would you... What? What even made you think about that — Are you high?" She spluttered, holding Hobie's arm so he could slow down walking. She didn't want the others to hear their dumb conversation.

Hobie furrowed his eyebrows, glancing at Gwen and Miles who were walking ahead of them before halting. "'Twas just a question. Why'd you seem so bothered by it?" He raised an eyebrow. Marina shook her head. "No, no. It's not like that — You just caught me off guard... M'sorry." She sighed.

"So?" Hobie stared at her, waiting for an actual response. "So?" Marina repeated, confused.

"Ever come to your lil' pretty mind if we dated?" He asked, noticing Marina's eyes wandering around the hallway. She let out a breath before shaking her head, "No. We're best friends, Hobie." She tried to offer him a soft smile. "Is it because of Miles? What he said to us earlier?"

A wave of disappointment washed over Hobie, and he didn't understand why. "Yeah. Kid messed up my mind." He muttered, and continued walking.

Marina linked arms with Hobie, nudging his side. "Don't get too caught up with it. People assume that with the both of us every time!" She chuckled, "Plus — If we did date, that would mean we'd have a label. Thought you hated those?" She tilted her head.

Hobie snickered, "I do. Can't change my mind on that." You sure about that?

Here they were again, in Miguel's office. Waiting for him to reach their level. Sllloooowly.

Miles stared up at him, confused. He leaned closer to Gwen, about to ask about it before she spoke. "Yeah, I know. It's slow." She raised a hand to stop him, and Miles nodded his head. "It's his thing."

Marina and Hobie stood in the corner, leaving all the talking to Gwen — who would probably just be cut off by Miguel's anger. Marina sat on an empty desk, feet dangling as they waited for absolute shit to unfold. She knew why Miles was called here. Everyone else did, but Miles.

"Miguel O'Hara? Meet Miles Morales." Gwen introduced her friend, who waved happily. "Hey! ¿Qué tal, tio?" Miles glanced at Gwen, "I speak Spanish."

Miguel didn't turn back, but by the way he was looking down with his hands balled into fists... Yeah, he was most likely furious. "Te traje una empanada —" Miguel cut Miles off by taking the box of empanada, and throwing it away.

Marina and Hobie turned to each other, understanding what was about to happen. "That's not... I'm really excited to get going. I got some fresh new ideas on how to catch The Spot." Miles says, taking a few steps forward. "He just wants to be taken seriously."

𝐏𝐔𝐙𝐙𝐋𝐄, 𝗵𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻¹Where stories live. Discover now