[1.5] Dalmatian

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TW: Character Death

It all happened too fast. For Marina, at least. She and Hobie were fighting this guy who calls himself 'Spot.' He kept saying that it was his chance to prove that he wasn't some joke, and it felt rather pitying to fight a guy who's most likely been misunderstood for most of his life for him to turn out like this.

Hobie suggested he go see a therapist, a friendly, and serious suggestion — but Spot felt rather mocked, and therefore got angrier.

The Spot had managed to take the last two employees left inside the cafe, including MJ, to the building beside it. MJ, and her co-worker had accidentally fallen into one of his holes.

"MJ!" Marina rushed out of the cafe, and swung into one of the buildings. She did not care how many buildings she'd have to damage in this fight, all she cared about was getting MJ out of this safely — and her co-worker too, of course. The inside of the cafe was left a mess, and for sure, Spindrift would be blamed on the news once again for multiple property damages.

"Hey, Arachnids!" The Spot exclaimed. Hobie and Marina turned to the source of the voice, quickly swinging their way to get closer.

"You don't have to include these civilians. Leave them out of this, and we can settle things ourselves. Please." Marina pleaded, and The Spot scoffed, "Look guys, I don't even know who you guys are, you certainly are not the Spiderman I know — but just let me rob one store! I need a burger so bad." He groaned.

Marina and Hobie glanced at each other. "You... just want a burger? You took two innocent people here, and committed multiple crimes — for a burger?" She narrowed her eyes. "You being for real right now, mate?" Hobie stared at Spot, unamused.

"We don't sell burgers, though..." MJ's co-worker muttered.

"Me? I committed multiple crimes?!" The Spot gasps, offended. "You did! I am innocent! I use my little holes in here —" He pointed at the holes he had around his body. Marina's face scrunched up in disgust, it wasn't really the most creative to call his spots... holes. She glanced at Hobie to see an amused look on his face, clearly finding his choice of words funny.

"I use these little babies to travel around. You guys are the one destroying windows, and other stuff! I was not the one who broke those tables back there!" The Spot pointed out at the cafe, scoffing.

Clenching her fists, Marina took a deep breath. This was the first time Hobie saw Marina on the verge of losing her patience, and although he hated seeing his friend angry, seeing this for the first time was kind of entertaining to him.

"Okay, well — either way, you're not supposed to be there. And... That's kind of a crime in our code, so..." Marina glanced at Hobie, who shrugged his shoulders. "Wanna get this thing over with then, mate?" He raised an eyebrow at Spot who whined, "Fine."

A hole opened under MJ, a scream escaping her lips as she fell into it. Marina's heart stopped beating for a second, and she quickly rushed after MJ. The both of them ended up outside the building, falling from what seemed like a hundred floors.

"Marina!" MJ cried, holding her hand out to Marina, who shot one of her webs towards MJ.

While Marina tried to save MJ, Hobie tried to fight Spot — who did nothing but run away into his holes. His bracelet lit up, and a hologram of Lyla popped up. "Careful, incoming canon event." She told him, before disappearing.

"Shit." Hobie cursed under his breath, and turned outside the building. Marina, and MJ's figures passed by the floor Hobie was currently in, and as he saw Marina try to catch MJ, he could see the fear plastered in her face. "Drift — NO!" He yelled, rushing to the window.

Marina was too late.

MJ had hit the ground before her web could reach her, and all hope in Marina's eyes disappeared. Reaching MJ on the ground, tears swelled up in the corner of Marina's eyes. "No. MJ, please, no no no no no." She cried quietly, hugging MJ's body close to her.

Hobie turned back, and saw The Spot gone. "Where the fuck..?" He quickly looked around, trying to look for any sight of the Dalmatian-looking man, but found no sign of him.

He glanced down on the ground, and saw Marina hugging MJ.

He quickly swung down to them, rushing to Marina's side. "Luv, I'm so sorry." Hobie whispered, pulling Marina to his chest. She sobbed on Hobie's chest, leaning on him as MJ laid dead on the ground.

"I — I couldn't save her. I'm so stupid." She hiccupped, and Hobie shook his head. "Not stupid. S'not your fault, luv. You did what you could." He placed a gentle kiss on her head, as Marina cried harder.

The police siren could be heard from a far, and Hobie shut his eyes closed. "Luv, we have to go." He pulled away, holding Marina's shoulders. "No! We can't just leave her here, Hobie." Marina shook her head, eyes red and puffy.

"The police are coming. We don't have enough time, Mari." He looked into her eyes, and Marina gave MJ one last look before standing up with the help of Hobie.

"Come on." He opened a portal back to their headquarters, holding Marina's hand tightly before the both of them stepped in.


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