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My phone was ringing but it was on my desk. I dragged myself out of bed and sat down at my desk. I answered the call.

"Hey Tommy, what's up?"

"Will! It's been a while, how've you been?"

"I've been fine, just busy."

Complete lie. I haven't been able to get out of bed in a week. I've been so depressed I haven't been eating or sleeping properly. I think I lost almost 2 kg. (5 lbs)

"What have you been up to?"

"Uh, just stuff."


He knows. He knows me too well.

"Yes Tommy?"

"Tell me the truth."

I sighed. "Fine. I haven't gotten out of bed in a week. I barely dragged myself to my desk to answer your call."

"Ok Will, we're going out today. I'm meeting up with Toby, Alex, and Karl at the park at noon. You're coming too."

"Tommy," I groaned. "I appreciate it but-"

"Nope, you're going. See you soon boss man!" He hung up.

I couldn't help but smile a bit. It's sweet how much he cares.

I dragged myself to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. Before I knew it it was time to go. I walked down to the park since it wasn't that far from my apartment. I saw Tommy by himself on a bench.

"Tom!" I called as I approached him.

"Will!" He got up and jumped on me, suffocating me in a hug.

"Hey man," I chuckled.

"Toby and them should be here any minute. So how are you?"

"I'm.. okay."

"Will-" he put a hand on my shoulder. He was interrupted by Toby, Karl, and Alex.

"Hey guys!" Alex said.

"Heyyy!" Tom said, hugging Alex.

We all exchanged greetings and whatnot and then went out to eat. I didn't feel like eating. All I had in the past week was a few protein bars and an apple. But I'm not hungry.

"What are you gonna get Will?" Alex asked.

"I'm uh- not really hungry to be honest."

Tom looked at me.

"It's nearly lunch time man, you've got to be at least a little hungry," Toby said.

I've lost my appetite lately.

"Will you feeling okay? You seem a bit off," Alex asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Don't worry. I'll just get a sandwich or something." I didn't want to worry them.

I ordered a pastrami sandwich because it was the first thing I saw. I ate it fine. I suppose I was hungry. I haven't eaten much all week it makes sense. Just couldn't tell I guess. Karl didn't eat much though. He just kinda poked at his food. He ordered a salad but only took a few bites.

Alex looked at Karl, staring anxiously at his food. He looked like he was going to say something but then changed his mind. Is he not feeling well? I'll ask him later, one on one, incase something is wrong. Hopefully he just ate beforehand.

"I'll be back guys, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Start the stream without me and I'll meet you guys outside," Alex said.

We split the bill and paid. Tom started the stream on his phone while Alex went to the bathroom. We figured we'd just hang out around Brighton, mess around and shit.

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