Cast of Characters

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Bera Haikiko: The Ultimate Tailor

H/W: 5'3", 125 lbs.

Birthdate: June 30th

Bera Haikiko was born Akage Haikiko (a girl). Akage became Bera (a boy) via Gender Reassignment Surgery (paid for by parents and insurance), followed by Hormone Replacement Therapy afterwards.

As a girl, Akage Haikiko never really felt "girly". She would wear dresses, skirts, stockings, that sort of thing. She would get some attention from the boys, but she never really understood why. She never really felt attracted to anyone, and was usually annoyed when guys would whistle, or stare at her legs or moderately-sized chest, or make lewd comments towards her.

Finally sick of the attention, combined with her conflicting feelings about herself, Akage approached her parents, at the age of 14, to ask if she could be a boy instead. After a long, serious talk, Akage's parents decided to go through with the Gender Reassignment Surgery, followed by Masculinizing Hormone Therapy (MHT), on the grounds that Akage change her name afterwards. Akage chose the name "Bera", meaning "Wrasse", a type of fish that is born female, but later transitions to male. This fish perfectly suited Akage's situation, as she was doing the same.

As Bera Haikiko, however, most people seemed to ignore him completely. The guys would ridicule him for his girlish face, and the girls found him to be too much of a "pretty boy" to want to date him.

Even worse, his own father refused to buy him new clothes, despite agreeing to the Gender Reassignment Surgery. His father claimed he had spent enough money on him already, and were not accommodating an entire wardrobe change as well. Instead, his mom ended up having to teach Bera how to mend, sew, and repair his own clothes to fit his new frame. They did, however, allow Bera to use their sewing machine and show him how to make mannequins of himself, as his mom was a seamstress.

This forced Bera to learn how to mend and create his own clothing from scratch. He turned his long black skirts into hakamas, which he decided he liked wearing a lot, and took to wearing T-shirts and a hoodie. He mended his shorter skirts into shorts, and sold off his blouses, tank tops, tights, stockings, and other "girly" accessories for extra money.

Personality-wise, Bera has low self-esteem due to the treatment by his parents and his peers, and usually doesn't approach anyone unless they seem to be in distress. However, he is friendly, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He doesn't like talking much about his past, and tries to keep his history as Akage a secret, fearing he would be ridiculed, or even worse, murdered for being trans.

Here's the rest of the cast for "Danganronpa: Digital Daze:"

Angie Yonaga

Celestia Ludenberg

Chiaki Nanami

Chihiro Fujisaki

Hifumi Yamada

Kaede Akamatsu

Kaito Momota

Kenchikka (Chikka) Kowareta (The Ultimate Architect)

Leon Kuwata

Makoto Naegi

Mukuro Ikusaba

Sayaka Maizono

Sonia Nevermind

"Theo Timmy Poster" (Ultimate Imposter)

Yasuhiro Hagakure

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