Genius Onmyoji

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*oh no.... he's an onmyoji!*

I had returned to the smithy with Tou to clear my name, yet now I come face-to-face with a yokai's mortal enemy.

Onmyoji are human spellcasters. They are born with the natural ability to cast spells. Hundreds of years ago, they fought a fierce war against yokai to prevent the latter from harming humans. Onmyoji and yokai have harbored a deep hatred for one another.

*my cat yokai features are hidden right now, most onmyoji wouldn't be able to tell that I'm a yokai.*

"Hmph. A mere cat yokai causing trouble in the human realm. You've got some nerve." The strange man says."

"A cat? What are you talking about? There are no cats here." I try to speak calmly, knowing how badly this could turn out for me.

"Stop pretending. Your giving off the stench of a cat yokai. You cheap tricks won't work on me." He glares at me, preparing to cast another spell.

Yuta's bracelet contains a spell concealing my cat yokai features, I didn't expect anyone to be able to see through strong magic such as that!

The edges of the young-looking onmyoji's mouth curl into a sneer. An ordinary person wouldn't be able to see through a nine-tailed fox's spell! My senses are on high alert as I raise my guard.

"How dare you harm humans under my watch. Are nine lives too much for you? If death is what you seek, I'll gladly oblige."

"Wait a minute! Listen to m-" I begin to say.

"Tch. Save your words for the afterlife."

He swiftly casts a highly complicated spell with ease. Tightly bound by the bird talismans, I'm unable to escape. I shriek as I try to break free of the spell. Tou begins to yell at the onmyoji as I struggle against him.

"How dare you! Let Lady Mangetsu go!" Tou opens his mouth wide as he pounces on the onmyoji, ready to cast a spell. However, the onmyoji easily subdues him, crushing poor Tou under his foot.

"AH!" Tou's shrieks of pain kill me deep inside.

"What a puny little yokai you are." The man says to Tou. "Are all the powerful yokai hiding at home?"

Tou may look unreliable, but he's not weak at all. There's only one reason why he would've been defeated...and that's if the onmyoji is even more powerful than I thought...without the ability to cast spells, there's no way I could defeat this man. However, seeing him hurt Tou right in front of me make me burn with fury. Throwing caution to the wind, I step forward to challenge him, grateful that the bird talismans were destroyed when Tou pounced.

"Wretched onmyoji! How dare you break the ancient pact!" I yell

"You stole a humans life first. It's not against the pact to punish you."

"I didn't kill anyone!"

The onmyoji tosses a straw dummy onto the floor. It's the one Yuta cast a spell on to take my place when I was supposed to be executed.

"Are you going to tell me you've never seen this before?" He point straight at my face. "A convict escaped the execution grounds with the help of this straw dummy. It has the same yokai aura as you do."

"I admit it's mine, but I really didnt-"

"Theres nothing left to talk about when there's irrefutable evidence."

He resummons his talisman birds as they pin me to the wall now, tightening around me like iron chains.

"I...didnt....harm anybody"

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