Chapter 2

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The warm breeze breathed life throughout the backyard. The trees swayed with every gust of wind, and the birds chirped harmonically. There was a quiet buzz in the bushes, of all the bugs and animals doing their daily little things. The bushes alongside the yard were decorated with flowers and little berries, and petals slowly fell off the buds, blowing along in the air. Your cat, Ivy, slithered closely by you, her black fur contrasting boldly against the freshly cut grass. The cat crept closely, bending down in a pounce position, then leaped on a butterfly that was resting on a branch. Despite Ivy's attempts to attack it, the butterfly prevailed and flew around all the hits.

You breathed in the evening air. Everything was vibrant. The sensation of peace was indescribable. Everything was refreshing. Draco, Astoria, Pansy, and you were sitting at a porch table that had a dainty white umbrella over it. Pansy and Astoria were talking about something, Astoria twirling a glass of frozen butterbeer in her hand. Draco was silent, as always, his finger tapping the silver ring he wore on his right-hand ring finger. You continued to look out at the scene holding your butterbeer to your lips, it was your backyard and you could never get enough of it. Something is always different in nature, nothing ever just stays frozen. That was refreshing to you as well. It meant something always changes, no matter how similar the scene could be. Your concentration was broken when you heard Astoria say " Zabini." Immediately you were in the conversation.

"Your man?" you said suggestively. Astoria stopped mid-sentence, her mouth agape. Draco cocked an eyebrow, slouching more in his seat," Oh? You guys haven't told me about this."

"Yeah, what were you guys talking about? I wasn't paying attention." You stated, turning your body closer to those at the table.

Pansy tucked her hair behind her ear, "No, it's just we haven't seen Draco in such a while, we were catching him up on all the drama."

Draco folded his arms, "Yes, and you've seemed to miss the part where my best mate is Astorias 'man' now."

"Oh no, well that isn't old news. Pansy and I found out yesterday."

Pansy leaned forward, lowering her tone secretively, "Turns out Zabini had been writing letters back and forth with Astoria since the second year ended."

Draco raised his eyebrows, his surprised expression turned to Astoria, "Really? "

"Yup. She showed us the letters, they're absolutely adorable. He truly cares so much about her!" You cheesed, pushing Astoria a bit.

She smiled looking away, "Oh, whatever, whatever. He's just good with his words, that's all. We have to see if he can keep it up in person. Hey, Daphne is talking to someone too!"

Pansy's lips curled, "Tch, Your sister is always talking to someone."

Astoria and you shared a glance. Pansy can never have a nice moment.

"... Oh yeah, that too, Draco did they tell you how Daphne tried to get with the boy Pansy's wanted forever now?" You tilted your head quizzically, and Draco's cheeks turned slightly red.

It couldn't have been over what you said, right? For a fleeting moment, the rumors that were spread about Draco and Daphne entered your mind. When a confused expression painted your face, he looked away and sighed dramatically," Your girl drama is way too much for me. Instead of focusing on important things you guys just talk about boys and arguments."

The breeze rolled through the yard again, and Draco's hair fluttered in the wind. Biting your lip, you looked down at your hands. There isn't anything else for you guys to talk about, you thought. The parents won't explain what's been happening, the teachers won't explain what's happening, it's like everywhere you turn there's a stop sign.

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