Ankle Boats

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"They must be waiting for you to move on"  

Skylar's POV

I was with JJ and Dj chilling in my room listening to Chase Atlantic as I get a call from Sarah.

Incoming Call from Salt

Me: Hey Sarah, wsp?

Sarah: Did you wanna hangout soon?

Me: Sure, maybe tomorrow. I'm hanging out with Jay and Denise rn.

Sarah: Sure. See u.

I hung up. I turned and saw a confused Dj and JJ.

"It was just Sarah she wanted to hangout." I said with a shrug as I played music and laid back on my bed.

"You know Kiara is gonna kill you right." Dj said.

"Yep, whatever. Just cause she's mad about what happened doesn't mean I'm not gonna hangout with Sarah. I didn't get invited either and me and her are perfectly okay. It's something called communication." I said going on a small rant. Kiara and Sarah aren't friends anymore. The reason was for something Kie needed to share. She has every right to be mad, but when Sarah went to talk to her the next day Kiara didn't care and was petty. Sarah came multiple times and got nowhere. So rightfully so, Sarah stopped trying to contact her. Sarah was too nice for her own good sometimes and smiled and waved at Kiara whenever she saw her. Kiara being the bitch she was sometimes never acknowledged it. She ignored Sarah all the time. Sarah had finally after a month started giving the same energy back. Since she got with Topper Sarah has been more confident it was a good look on her. She was kinda a bitch but so was everyone. Sarah had called me for an emergency with Rafe and Kiara got butt hurt that I wasn't hanging out with the Pogues and ditching them for some Rich Kook snobs. Like she isn't still technically a Kook. Kiara will always be a pogue at heart but she was a kook. She deserves to be called a pogue just like the rest of us. I love her for that but she needs to get just a tiny bit more better communication skills. But anyways, I just don't know. I would never hold a grudge this long over a small thing that coulda been resolved with one simple talk.

"Hello earth to George!" I hear JJ yell in my ear and bring me back to reality.

"You honestly need to forget about it. It's Kiara" Dj said while drinking a soda she got.

"Exactly, its Kiara, meaning Kiara should be able to talk it out. She can yell at Sarah and some other shit but come on now. Don't you think if they talked it would be easier?" I asked Dj.

"You're right, but it's not our problem. Sarah and Kiara will figure it out when time comes. Who knows, John B might fall in love with Sarah and Kiara gets all mad." Dj said.

"Wouldn't that be a show? Kiara and Sarah in the same room and Sarah John B's Girlfriend. That will be the day I die." I chuckled.

"What if they like secretly run away together and get married?" JJ said laying on me. We all laugh.

"John B, married to Sarah Cameron. Now that's something." I thought.

"Wanna watch a movie?" DJ asked.

"Sure." Me and JJ said.

"What about Scream 1?" Dj asked.

"YES!" Me and JJ yelled.

"Alright, alright." Dj said and clicked on the movie. She plays the movie as me and JJ switched places and my body was between his legs as his chin was on top of my head. Dj sat next to us with her back against the headboard like JJ with arms crossed. We all watch in complete silence. We love the Scream Series. We love all horror movies and shit. It was our thing. Well me and JJ's thing, when Dj came to visit which was like twice a year she would join us and now that Dj is officially staying it's our thing.

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