Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Haileys POV

"I'll go and grab some Pjs from my house, so I'll see you guys up there in like 15 minutes, k?" I ask, getting off at my current floor. They all nodded and I slipped out if the lift and took out the key to my hotel room. I jam it into the key hole but it refused to open.

"Do you need some help there?" asks a husky voice. I turn around, a bit startled, and see Harry grinning at me like Chesire Cat.

"Yes please," I say handing him the keys sighing. He slides into the keyhole without issues and opens the door.

"I've always been horrid with keys. Thanks a bunch, but may I ask why you're stalking me this fine evening?" I ask, causing him to blush a bit. I smile to myself thinking I made Harry Styles blush.

"Erm we I didn't know if you, Erm, knew where our room is."

"The penthouse,"I simply state. He scratches the back if his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, um, so I'll go now."

"I never said you couldn't come in. Occupy yourself for fifteen minutes,"I tell him, slipping into my room to change, wash of my makeup and brush my teeth.

I decide on one of my old oversized tshirt and a jumper from Hollister. I on some large sweatpants, and I put on pajama shorts underneath them. I wash of my makeup, and brush my teeth. I brought a hair tie just in case I wanted to throw my hair up later, but tight now it looked okay and I didn't have enough time to take a shower.

Sure enough fifteen minutes later, I come out of my room and find Harry on my laptop.

I sneak behind him,"Harry, it's not very polite to touch people's stuff," I whisper down his neck. He jumps up at least 3 feet in the air.

"You said to occupy myself, and that's what I did. But it's best if you don't check your twitter," he tells me, mischief clear in his amazingly green eyes. I grumble but open up my phone and enter the twitter app on it.

"Harold Edward Styles is the hottest man on earth. I praise the ground he walks on and love him with all my heart and soul. He is my everything and more," I read out loud, sighing greatly when he finishes.

"Sarahs going to have my ass tomorrow. Or should I say your ass," I threaten him, though it wasn't much of a threat if she actually was going to kill Haryy tomorrow.

"For what?!" he asks, a bit scared. "Should I be scared?" I nod fiercely.

"Very," I whisper dramatically.

"Well there's usually nothing a bit of Harry charm can't fix," he says cheekily. "you'll learn to love as you we hang out. Its both a gift and curse," he says, flipping his curls dramatically. I felt my knees start to buckle, but I catch myself before they do.

"Who says I want to hang out with you?" I ask trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh, um, I was ju-"

"Kidding! Now we should probably get going before the lads and girls start to, um, ASSUME things."

"Yeah, I guess so," he breaths with a little chuckle. "Shall we m'lady?" he asks, propping up his elbow so I could link mine through his.

"Of course, kind sir," I say. Ok either I'm crazy or there were sparks. Too cliché? K. We walk, well, (three w's in a row! Go me!) elbow in elbow to the lift and get. The silence in there was slightly awkward, something I did not enjoy. Awkward situation, they scrared me like shit.

"What did Santa say to the girl who didn't brush her hair?" I ask, trying to sound as casual as possible. You know what they say, when in an awkward situation, make a stupid joke.

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