Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Haileys POV

*knock knock*

I groan, trying to block out the sound by putting a pillow firmly over my eaBBB.


Come the sound again, louder and more forceful this time. Groaning again, I quickly get up and walk toward the main room.

I sneak a peep through the peep hole, seeing it was the one and only, Niall Horan.

What did he want from me? I mean, I had a ton of fun hanging out with the One Direction crew las night but I never really expected them to keep contact. We hadn't even exchanged numbers, for gods sake.

He knocks again, and I realize I was just standing by the Dior, zoning out. Whoops.

I open the door and his face lights up. Im not the only one to admit that he looked ultra sexy in his 'Kiss Me I'm Irish' t-shirt and plaid pajama bottoms.

"How may I help you?" I ask sarcastically, yawning immediately after. He shoots me a lopsided grin and I swear my knees went weak. Which was weird because I could never really see Niall and I being an item, but I could definitely see us being good friends. He wasn't really his type. I think Harry was more my type. Maybe it was just his overall cuteness that got to every girl?

Yeah. That's it.

He pretends to take out a piece of paper and inroad it.

He clears his throat and continues, " Dear Hailey, um..." he pauses and I was about to tell him my middle name when he gets a mischievous look on his face, "Styles-Akire," I blush fouriously but be doesn't pay any attention. Why was everyone joking that me and Harry were together after one kiss? A forced kiss, may I add. " you are formally welcomed to attend breakfast with the bits of the best boy band of all time and their, er, princesses. Do you accept?"

" OHEMGEE WHAT IS N'SYNC DOING IN FRANCE?" I scream, jokingly fangirling.

"Oh no you didn't!" says Niall, snapping his fingers in a Z formation. "I mean, thou did not just do what thou did?" he said, trying to keep u the posh accent.

I giggle but nod.

"just let me get changed," I say, slowly closing the door.

"No! We' re all going in out pajamas, so you might as well," he interjects, gesturing to my pajamas. They consisted plain purple tank top and long fleece pajama pants that were zebra print.

I shrug and quickly tie my hair into a messy bun, following Niall into the lift.

"Thanks for coming by and getting me," I thank him, giving him a genuine smile, which he returned.

"No problem, but dont thank me. We ALL know whos idea you coming was," he joked, winking at me.

At first I was a tad confused, but then realized him and the boys saw me rejecting Harry last night.

I giggle, and wink back.

I wasn't one that really cared about other people opinions alot, excpet when...well thats along story. Plus I always tried to still be friends after a break up. My motto was things are only awkward if you make them that way.

Yes, I realize that me and Harold did not break up, but rejection can be just as awkward.

CAN BE not IS.

So my goal was to continue to act like what happened never actually did and if the subject comes up, act natural and make it into a joke.

Lets lets hope I achieve my goal.

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