Chapter 32

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Come back home

Ria could feel the ripple in the air as she crossed the border. It had taken her a few minutes to calm herself down enough to not appear like a complete maniac when she entered Dusk. She did not think her people would take well to her elated to the point of acting like an idiot self.

Yet, no sooner had she stepped in did she have to dodge an incoming arrow that had been aimed for her stomach. Tanvi who just entered behind her, widened her eyes as she took the scene in front of them. Ten soldiers, armed and grim, staring them down. "You fools!" Tanvi started and Ria, gone completely crazy after seeing her court again and being almost hit, laughed. "Well that is one way to welcome me back," she said. The soldiers blinked and someone stumbled through the wall they had made around her.

Ria's breath hitched. He stood there in all his glory, looking like a fearless avenging angel in his black attire with swords strapped on his thighs and arrows slung behind his back. Kayden. She thought she whispered his name out loud too. Fifty years had done him some good, and some bad. He looked tensed and almost angry until his eyes met hers. And he actually stumbled forward. "Ria?" he breathed, "its really you." Her cheeks were wet she realised belatedly as she nodded in happiness. Yes, she wanted to say, yes its me. But words were lost on her, her voice stuck in her throat with that lump of tears and shock.

He took a cautious step forward as she remained rooted in place. "Ria?" he said again, less shocked this time. She nodded. And then fell to her knees. "I am sorry," she sobbed now, "I am so sorry." Arms encased her. Warm, steady hands with scars decorating one of them. She let her head fall into the space between his shoulder and neck, taking in his scent. "Its okay," he was murmuring, "you are okay." The last part was more for himself than it was for her.

"The False Queen is dead," Tanvi said from behind her where she stood still hands on her knives. "The rest of Prythian is free."

"Rhys," Ria gasped, "I couldn't- and my own court- I-" His hug tightened. "Hush, its okay. Its okay. Its going to be all alright." She almost believed him. She remained like that for Mother knew how long, her sobs having reduced to hitches. Finally, when she found enough courage did she back away and looked at him. She took in a breath; his eyes were as steady as she had remembered and just as striking. His hair had become longer though. And he was tanner.

When he saw that she had regained her composure, he looked at the guards, commanding, "spread the word. Our High Lady is back- safe and sound." He looked at Tanvi, "tomorrow first thing in the morning. The castle." She nodded. And then, helping Ria up, Kayden allowed himself a rare moment of brief happiness- she was back. His High Lady had come back to him.

Ria sat on the wooden chair in the main room. Kayden had yet to leave her side. "They all are coming," he informed her. She nodded. They hadn't talked much since he had winnowed them to the castle. Kayden had insisted upon waiting for everyone before saying anything. She could feel his anger now, overpowering his relief and happiness and tears. It was warranted, she supposed.

"Fifty years," a voice came from the doorway, "for fifty years I have waited and prayed for this moment." Ria looked up and her face cracked into a smile- her first genuine smile in a long time. Standing up, she half ran to where the figure stood. "Amari," she chuckled, "I have missed you." She looked behind Amari to find Rowan and Aria. Her smile widened to show her teeth. They joined in on the hug. "Kayden," Rowan shouted. Grumbling. And then, her closest friend joined in on the hug. Ria didn't know how long they stayed like that but she didn't complain. For, the first time in years, she felt safe again. They all cried and all laughed and it was home.

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