Chapter 35

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Its been a long day and I will tell you all about it

It had been five months since that day. 

Eight months since Amarantha's death- good riddance. Ria sat on the comfortable couch with Kayden beside her while a healer massaged her back. she had been able to get up in week three from the coronation, and had started taking small steps a month since. She could jog now, Ria thought with pleasure, as month five came near an end.

The room was full of flowers and bouquets and small tokens from the people. Apparently, her screams had melted hearts, Kayden had said when she first saw them, trying to gauge her state by her reaction. She had given him a limp and a small roll of her eyes and he had decided that to be a sign of progress. Amari had thrown a shoe at him though, less amused than Ria.

"We need to visit Helion soon," Ria grunted, trying to keep back the whimpers that were threatening her. Kayden frowned, "you are not yet ready." She was weak now, she knew, yet she couldn't help but snarl at Kayden who remained unbothered. "You know we must. Its coming, Tanvi confirmed as much. And Rhysand and his sorry lot are only speeding the process." Indeed, Rhys had been searching for some ancient artifacts for the past few weeks. "He did save Sangravah," Kayden said softly. Ria bit back her wince, "he did. But he also failed in many aspects." She had to keep her emotions aside when it came to certain things and matters.

"You are barely able to hold a sword," he said. She hummed, "you will come with me. So will Aria." He looked up in surprise, Aria had never left their court before. But, Ria nodded. "She wants to explore. Its in her personality and Rowan can only satisfy her curiosity for so long. Amari will come too, of course." Kayden nodded, "alright. Fair. But even a hint of trouble, and we leave." "Alright. Fair," Ria responded in return.

They were greeted by Helion and his blinding smile. It was his shield, Ria had realised a few years ago. His way of keeping himself from drowning and to keep everyone in the blind. "Ria, my darling, how are you?" he asked, taking her hand to kiss it before allowing his eyes to scan her entire entourage. She had bought with herself quite a few people- Kayden, Aria, Amari and Rowan. They were a pentagon of power together. "And I see you have bought new faces today," he hummed. Ria nodded, "next time, I might not be the one to come. It seemed logical for you to get to know the ones who might come in my stead." He hummed before turning his scrutinizing gaze onto Ria.

"You seem different," his brows furrowed in the slightest. Ria had, before leaving, glamoured herself, subduing the power that she now held. Her face remained expressionless as she said, "I did not want any unwanted attention." Helion, understanding, took that as his cue and said, "follow me to my favourite library. It is quite peaceful." Ria nodded, grateful.

While they walked, Helion engaged himself into a conversation with Kayden and Aria- being rather flirty with the later which earned a few scowls and glares by Rowan. Her friends introduced themselves while Ria had to shove Rowan lightly to startle himself out of his train of violent thoughts, especially when Helion earned a giggle from sweet Aria.

"And here is the grand library. Its one of my precious ones," he said opening the wide and tall gold-coated door. "Impressive," Kayden said. "And shiny," Amari mumbled under her breath making Ria cough as Helion gave the Illyrian a chuckle. "I like shiny things," he said closing the door behind. "That explains the real reason behind wanting your family heirloom back," Ria said smoothly. At this, the High Lord raised his brow turning back to her. "You have it?" he asked. Ria nodded and Rowan handed over the item to Helion who looked almost impressed as he took the artifact and examined it with great curiosity and attention to detail. "Thank you," he said finally, giving them all a gracious nod of thanks. "I will consider our deal to be moved forward, Helion?" Ria asked. He nodded, "of course. Although I do have questions about how you managed to get this?" Ria gave him a smile with all fangs, "better not ask." Keir had tattled to Rhysand already, that spineless bastard, Rowan had gleaned just yesterday.

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