Prologue: How It Started

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Zayn 22, from Bradford, who has been through a lot of trauma and abuse in his past relationships. As a result, he struggles with feelings of self-blame and low self-worth, and has turned to self-harm as a coping mechanism. Despite his struggles, Zayn finds it hard to take complements from people. He just doesn't see it. He may not always see his own beauty, but he has a lot of positive qualities that make him a valuable and worthwhile person.

Liam 21, from Wolverhampton, who struggles with body image issues and an eating disorder. He has always felt insecure about his appearance and has internalized a lot of negative messages about what it means to be beautiful. In addition, Liam has had to deal with relapses in his childhood, which have added to his struggles. Liam finds it hard to believe anything nice someone says about him because as he sees it he's usless. And a waste of time. He may not always see his own beauty, but he surely sees others and isn't afraid to admit it to them.

Zayn and Liam both found their way back to where they swore they wouldn't go again. Hospitals. Rehab. They knew they probably would end up back there. But they tried not too.

They met in a rehab like facility in the outskirts of London. They were both there for different reasons, but they quickly bonded over their shared struggles.

Zayn was admitted to the facility after he was found cutting himself in his hotel room, while Liam was there to receive treatment for an eating disorder that had been affecting him for years, after his mom found him collapsed on his bedroom floor.

At first, Zayn and Liam kept to themselves, not wanting to share too much with the other patients. But as the days turned into weeks, they found themselves drawn to each other. They would sit outside in the courtyard, smoking cigarettes and talking about everything from their favorite bands to their deepest fears. They quickly realized that they had more in common than they initially thought.

One day, as they were sitting outside, Liam looked over at Zayn and was struck by how beautiful he was. He had never thought of another person in that way before, but he couldn't deny the way he felt. He tried to push the thought out of his head, but it kept coming back to him. He didn't know what to do.

As the days went on, Liam found himself thinking about Zayn more and more. He couldn't help but stare at him whenever they were in the same room. One night, as they were sitting out on the courtyard, Liam worked up the courage to tell Zayn how he felt. "I know this is probably weird, but I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen," he said. Zayn looked at him, surprised, but then smiled. "I don't really see it but thanks. I think you're pretty beautiful too," he said.

From that moment on, their relationship took on a new dimension. They started spending more time together, going on walks around the facility and talking late into the night. They both knew that they were developing feelings for each other, but they didn't want to rush anything. They had both been through so much already, and they wanted to make sure that this was real.

Eventually, they were both discharged from the facility and had to go their separate ways. They exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch, but they both knew that it wouldn't be the same. They missed each other terribly and would often talk about how they wished they could be together again. But for now, they had to focus on getting better and figuring out what they wanted from life.


It's kinda dark. I might get into deep detail on some chapters so if you don't like stuff like that just don't read it. Share. Thanks

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