Chapter 2: Overcoming The Shadows

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Liam was walking to his locker after class when he heard the jeering voices of a few bullies he recognized from his math class. He tried to walk faster, but they caught up to him and surrounded him.

"Look at this ugly fat kid," one of them sneered, poking Liam in the stomach.

"Yeah, what a useless loser," another chimed in, causing the group to erupt in laughter.

Liam felt his face flush with embarrassment and shame. He wanted to ask them to stop, to tell them to leave him alone, but he knew it would only make things worse. Instead, he hung his head and tried to push past them to get to his locker, but they continued to taunt him.

"What's the matter, Liam? Can't handle a little teasing?" the ringleader of the group smirked, shoving him back.

Tears welled up in Liam's eyes as he looked around desperately for someone to help him, but the hallway was empty.

Liam felt trapped and alone in the hallway, unable to escape from the bullies. It felt like they were always waiting for him, ready to taunt him at a moment's notice. He tried to brush off their insults, telling himself that they were just words, but the more he heard them, the more he started to believe them.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur for Liam. He went through the motions of his classes, but his mind was consumed with thoughts of the bullies' words. By the time he got home, he was exhausted and emotionally drained.

As soon as he got to his room, Liam collapsed onto his bed and let out a sob. He felt so alone and worthless, like the bullies had stripped him of all his confidence and self-esteem. He couldn't shake their words from his mind, no matter how hard he tried.

Liam cried himself to sleep that night, feeling hopeless and alone. He didn't know how to escape the cycle of bullying and negative self-talk. The next day at school, he tried to avoid the bullies as much as possible, but it seemed like they were always lurking around every corner. Liam's once positive attitude had been replaced with anxiety and depression, and he felt like there was no escape from his tormentors.

"Hey Liam good morning I'm making your favorite! Pancakes!" His mom says energized.

"Thanks mom. I'm actually not hungry sorry." Liam says trying to avoid the fat foods.

"Nonsense. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Sit." She says not giving up.

With a sigh of defeat he sits. She places two big fluffy pancakes on his face along with two circular sausages, two fried eggs, and four pieces of bacon.

He groaned "Mom." He prolonged the word.

"What!?" She says genuinely confused.

"I can't eat all this. Well I can but I don't want to." He states telling the truth.

"And why is that."

He was hesitant. "Never mind mom. Thank you."

"Your welcome honey." She kisses his forehead. "Now hurry and eat and go wash up for school."

School. He hated that place. That word.

After he ate, he rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He turned on the sink and was now kneeling in front of the toilet. He quickly plugged his mouth with his middle and forefinger, he then plunged back and fourth about 4 times and in no time he was puking.

He cleaned up after himself. He brushed his teeth and washed his face quickly. Said his good-byes and was off to school.

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