Chapter 4 - Visitor

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I instantly woke from my slumber and was shocked to find that I saw something. Light! Light! Light! It was soooooooooooooooooooooo bright! I hissed as my eyes burned and squinted shut. Was it a dream? Could it be true? I nearly wept for joy. Each heartbeat and intake of air hurt because of my intense emotions of joy. I wanted to sing! My voice caught in my throat, so I simply had to be silent in my rejoicing. Even though I my shut eyelids, I could tell that the light was getting brighter. I also heard a clunking noise that seemed so loud that it would deafen me, but that was just because my ears were unaccustomed to sound. After a few minutes, I reopened my eyes. The light was still unbearable, so I quickly shut them again. I moaned as my eyes again throbbed with pain. It was so worth it! I could see! I squinted my eyes open, slowly this time, and found my prison to be a perfectly square room made out of obsidian. The walls were lined with evenly spaced torches, and I finally spotted the teeny trickle of water coming through a crack in the ceiling.


The annoying noise that had taunted me all throughout my imprisonment became the most joyous sound I ever heard. I could see! Then I heard a screeching noise that reminded me of an enderman when you looked it in the eye. The whole world seemed to freeze as the realization crashed down on me. Someone had to open the door. Someone had to place those torches. Someone had to be in this room with me. I shifted my gaze to the other side of the room and saw a figure holding a torch. As my vision continued to sharpen, I saw that the figure was a young human girl with flowing black hair, and beautiful green eyes, and was so covered in dust that it made her skin look grey. A wild emotion too big for the word "joy" to escrapecrap the surface filled me. Someone to talk to! My blurry vision failed to reveal to look of complete terror on her face as I cheerfully exclaimed, "Hello!"

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