Dots and crazy uncles

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Zachary slammed both his fists on the front door of his father's house, well, it was one of the many houses he owned, but he spent most of his time in it.

He could already sense one person approaching, with his power.
The way his power worked took him years to discover, all on his own, and he's still not quite sure he understands it. When there's no one close enough for his power to sense, part of his brain is just completely blank, when someone approaches.. It's like a dot appears in that darkness.
The dot is red, then when Zachary's controlling their feelings, the dot turns white. That's as simple as he can make it for himself.

Now Angello however.. Wasn't a dot at all, the only time Zachary saw the Angello dot, was when they almost had sex.
He furrowed his brows, he didn't want to be thinking of Angello, he was in the past.

And Zachary's future was on the other side of this door, to confront his father and cut off any and all ties with him. And actually cut off all ties with him, not trust some cutie he sent with messy hair and a nice ass.

More red dots gathered around the door, until finally someone hesitantly opened the door and peeked outside at Zachary.

"Oh- Hello, Zachary." the maid said, smiling gently.

"Yes- hi, where's my dad?" he asked, crossing his arms.
The nervousness was practically oozing out of her, why was she nervous?

"Oh- Mr. Willow went out to a.. Meeting." she quickly said, "Would you like to come in?"

"Yes." Zachary stated, and the maid fully opened the door, to reveal a few more maids, butlers, and bodyguards.
Although he could only sense the feelings of five people, the anxiety was enough to give him a headache.

They all stared at him, but that wasn't odd, he just sighed, "No, I don't need anything, I'll wait for him in his study."

"Oh no Zachary," another one of the maids quickly said, "You can't do that, Mr. Willow's orders."

That wasn't a lie, but why did he specifically order for Zachary to not be let in? Today? How did he know he was coming?

Paranoid asshole.

Zachary furrowed his brows, before taking a deep breath. These people were following orders, it was his father he was mad at, "I'm going up there, don't stop me."

"We need to, Mister Zachary." a newer butler quickly explained.

Zachary's next words came out smoothly, 5 dots turned white all at once, at the simple, "You don't want to stop me."

Then he turned to others, repeating the exact same words to them all, until finally turning around and marching towards the large staircase, with no disagreements.

He confidently marched up the familiar stairs, gaze fixated on the hallway that the stairs would lead him into. He'd almost forgotten his childhood home, and all the memories in it.
Only some were decent, back when James didn't have a stick up his ass 24/7 and was a proper brother.

Now he's a jealous asshole, always mad that Zachary's the first born, inheriting the school's, Sparrows and Finches, the original legacy of the Willow's before they decided to create or buy more companies and plaster the family name all over them.
Zachary had once went to grab himself a six-pack of beer and found out his family owned the company, how odd is that?

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