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Rodrigo felt a hand on his shoulder and before he could fight back he was forced upwards by the person, it didn't take him long to figure out who it was, and he instantly smiled widely.

"Aw, so you didn't forget me?" Rodrigo asked while turning his head back to look at the man.

Leonardo shoved him into a wall, "Where's my son!?" he demanded.

Rodrigo scoffed, "Really? So you didn't even bother asking your own brother how his power works? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were so siked to see me that you forgot to ask- but I know you just really suck at planning ahead." he glanced at Angello, "Couldn't protect your son's assasin?" he asked while grinning even wider.

Leonardo looked back at Angello, frozen for a few seconds before quickly turning to Rodrigo again, "Weren't you gonna torture me? What the hell did you do that for!?"

"Eh." Rodrigo shrugged, "Fun, my own entertainment- all that mumbo jumbo. Did you seriously come here to get tortured?" he asked, in disbelief.

"Yeah, sure, why not." Leonardo sighed, "I came here to protect my kids, you imbecile."

"Damn- must feel like shit, then. One of them was rescued like some disney princess by his night with shiny blades, and the other- well, I needed him, there was no point in trying to save him in the first place." Rodrigo stepped closer, "I've been watching you, y'know? When you're dead you can travel so much faster, so whenever Angello was no longer fun I'd just watch you."

"And? Can you not resist going on a villainous ramble every two seconds?" Leonardo sighed, "You're a waste of time- and I know I can get James back."

"You can't dumbass- because your brother already told my father everything about his power years ago, there's no way back, he's gone."

Leonardo furrowed his brows, "No, he isn't."

"Is that what you wanna believe? Who told you he wasn't gone?" Rodrigo tilted his head.


"Which one, damn it! Do they not have middle names you can use!?"

Leonardo huffed, "My brother, why do you even ask?"

"Well.. I'm just thinking, you waltzed in here expecting to beat me, but anyone with more than 2 braincells would know that's not possible for you to do. It's me, an actual assasin, and you, a rich boy who's only fights have been verbal and in a courtroom." Rodrigo bit his lip as he looked Leonardo up and down, "I'm just saying.. Your brother simply wanted you to have a peaceful death."

Leonardo took a step back and glared at Rodrigo, "You're wrong."

"Everyone's always like oh Rodrigo you big bad wolf you're so wrong we will defeat you with our love," his gaze shifted to his brother, "But that's how you'll end up, dear, if you keep on believing everyone around you. You wanna know what his last words were, huh?" he smirked, "Oh Zachary oh Zachary! Don't leave me please, oh pretty please" he mocked in a high-pitched tone, then in his normal voice, "Pathetic, like him, but I know you're much stronger than that, to die while thinking of some random guy you made out with once."

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