Chapter 8: Timothy

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I know I have been an asshole to her.

It was her first real day here and I beat her up. I do not regret punishing her. What I do regret is giving her so much spanks when it was her first punishment, using the hardest paddle instead of my hand and not even slightly holding back.

Then I punished her again by squeezing the life out of her forearm without even noticing. Simply seeing the bruise was painful.

As I was saying, I have been an asshole but each time I think about the person she really is, I can't bring myself to care. Each time I start to relax or guilt creeps up my mind, I remind myself what she's capable of, any sympathy disappears and my blood boils.

She represents everything I hate.

Her parents are crooked politicians with the dirtiest hands imaginable. Elsie was born with a silver spoon in her house, she had been so spoiled and her parents are so permissive that she can get away with anything and do not see anyone but herself.

There is nothing wrong with being born in a wealthy family, I was. But I had to prove myself to get where I am today and unlike her, I don't pick on someone smaller than myself to feel better, bully children for fun and purposely lead them to death.

I cannot stand harassment, no matter what.

For about a week, she avoids me, answers me with one syllable each time and keeps her sassy comments to herself. I'm not going to complain, although some doms and even some subs come to warn me about her problematic attitude. It annoys me, to say the least, both because these rumors humiliate me, raising questions about my authority, and because no one should have to put up with her behavior. The thing is that I don't have proof or reliable sources yet so I plan on waiting a little before throwing everything on her.

Little by little, something else becomes a real issue ; Brian's and Jason's disapproving gazes when we eat. Not aimed at her, aimed at me.

On Tuesday, at lunch, I can't take it anymore. As usual, Elsie eats as fast as she can and fistbumps Alix, smiling at everyone but me before excusing herself. When everyone but them have left the table, I sigh.

"What?" I ask, genuinely curious.

Brian narrows his eyes at me before shaking his head and standing up too.

"This is not how you treat a sub, bro. No matter how bratty they are."

Jason follows him.

"Can't say I disagree."

A scoff leaves my mouth. Giving her the cold shoulder is nothing criminal. I like them but they should mind their own business on this one.

I sigh, looking at the time. In any case, I can't catch up with them so they can explain their thoughts; I have to call my mother about some issue our family's rival caused concerning freight transport and she's not going to be happy about it.

Classes are finally over and I am really looking forward to going for an evening run and a cold shower afterwards. I am halfway home when my phone rings. I take it out of my back pocket, reading the caller's ID on the screen. Nothing unusual. As the first dom, I have many duties and Mr Stanford often calls me to keep us on the same wavelength.

"Hello, sir."

"Woods, your sub is in my office and she's in trouble." He snaps.

Wait, what? It takes me a few seconds to formulate an answer.

"I'm on my way, sir."

A question roars in my mind. What the hell did she do? The path from where I was frozen in place to the director's office passes in a blur. A million angry thoughts run in my head until I spot Mr Stanford, sitting on the couch next to his office's door, scribbling on a tablet.

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