Ever since first period ended, I've been feeling really...weird. I could barely stay focused in any of my classes, I've been feeling really tired all day, and aside from Mika this morning, I don't think I spoke to anyone at all today. My mind keeps wandering back to that dream. Well, I suppose 'nightmare' would be a better way to describe it. I've had some freaky nightmares before, but none of them felt as real as that one. It's been almost two years since everything happened between us, why can't I just move on and forget? I loved Danny, I really did, but for him to reappear in my dream and...God, just picturing it makes me want to puke.
I think I hear someone calling my name, but I don't pay any attention to them. I just keep walking, making my way through the crowd of people exiting the school. I don't have the energy for a conversation right now. I just want to go home and take a nap. Maybe that will help get the nightmare off my mind. Or, knowing how my luck's been today, maybe it will just trigger another one.
As I reach the sidewalk, I hear running footsteps approaching me from behind and a hand grabs my shoulder. I jump and quickly turn around, my heart racing. half-expecting it to be Ethan ready to get his revenge for what happened on Friday. Actually, now that I think about it, I didn't see Ethan at all today. Maybe someone reported him for something and he got suspended? It's hard to know with him. Thankfully for me though,
It's just Tommy. "Hey." He greets me, smiling brightly. He's a lot like Mika, always seems to be cheerful and full of energy. What is it about me that attracts those kinds of people?
"Hi." I give him a small smile. I turn back around and continue walking home, with Tommy following closely behind. My mind starts wandering back to the dream again, tuning out any other sounds around me. The main thing that stuck with me was that message. "You know Tommy's next." What does that mean? He's next?
"Nico." Tommy waves his hand in front of my face, bringing me out of my thoughts. I glance up at him, he looks concerned. "You okay? I didn't wanna ask you before, but you've looked really...out of it all day." He asks, and I suddenly feel a pang of guilt. Have I really not spoken to him today just because of some creepy dream I had?
I bite my lip, trying to figure out what I want to say. Should I be honest? Tell him about the nightmare? No, I can't, I only just met the guy, I don't want to dump all my feelings on him. I doubt he would understand any of it. "I, uh...woke up feeling shitty, been thinking about stuff too much. Just been a rough day, you know how it is."
"Nice one, Nico. You use the 'rough day' excuse. How creative." I think to myself sarcastically.
"Yeah, I hear that. You wanna talk about it? I'm all ears, y'know." He offers, but I shake my head. I never like talking about that incident, and any of the few people that do know about it don't even know all of the details. It's nice of him to offer, though. Luckily for me, Tommy doesn't question me further. "Alright, figured I'd offer. Change of subject, I ran into our dear friend Ethan and a few of his buddies this morning while I was walking to school."
"Oh yeah? Did he try to start shit? 'Cause I remember him saying that he'd kill you if he saw you again."
"Nope, he didn't do shit. Him and his buddies were yelling a bunch of shit at me, he called me a faggot a couple times, but I just kept walking and they shut up after a while. Hell of a way to start my morning." He chuckles once he finishes talking.
"Yep, definitely sounds like Ethan." I pause. "He also called you a twink on Friday, I dunno if you heard that."
Tommy looks at me, looking like he's fighting back a smile. "Did he actually?"
I nod. "Mm-hmm. A 'stupid fucking twink', those were his exact words." I tell him. He lets out a short laugh.
"Oh, that's fuckin' hilarious." He replies in-between giggles.
We continue walking together, a comfortable silence falling between us that's occasionally broken by a car passing by. We soon approach my street, and stop near the curb to take a quick break.
"You don't have to walk with me, you know." I say, smiling up at him. He just shrugs and awkwardly turns his head towards the ground.
"I know. But I could use the company, and seeing as you're my only friend at this place so far, I figured I'd walked with you. I was headed this way anyway, my house is only a few blocks from here." He turns and motions down the street. He considers me a friend? I bite back a smile at those words, that definitely made my day a little better. "That, and I wanted to ask you something. Well, two things actually." His words fill me with curiosity, and I nod for him to continue.
"The first thing, I was wondering if...you wanted to hang out after school at some point this week." He asks. He...wants to hang out? I feel my face heat up. "I was gonna ask if you wanted to today, but..."
"I mean, obviously I'm not feeling it today, but...yeah, I'd be down for that." I tell him. He nods, looking relieved that I said yes.
"Okay, sweet. Now the second thing...well, this isn't really a question, but it's something I heard today and I wanted your thoughts about it." He smirks at me, which makes me feel a little nervous.
"Uh...okay..." I look down, avoiding Tommy's stare.
"It's not anything too crazy, just a rumor I overheard that I thought was kinda funny." He pauses, his words filling me with fear. What could this rumor be about? I'm nervous to find out. "It seems there's word going around that you've got a little crush on me."
I feel my heart skip a beat. The teasing tone in his voice isn't exactly helping. Okay, don't panic, there's no reason to freak out. "Who did you hear this from?" I ask, trying to hide my blush. Even though I'm looking away from him, I just know that he's smiling, which only makes me more nervous.
"Oh, no one in particular. Was talking to some guys at my table at Lunch, and they brought it up. I dunno, sounds like just a dumb rumor. But if you wanna confirm or deny it, here's your chance."
"Uh..." I can't think of anything to say. My throat goes dry and I can feel my face growing even hotter. There's no way in hell I'm going to confirm the rumor and possibly lose the only chance I had at finally moving on from everything and making a new friend. But at the same time...why can't I bring myself to deny it?
"I mean...a lot of people at school know that I'm gay, so somebody probably saw us talking and they're just trying to start shit. I mean if it's just a rumor, then it doesn't really matter, does it?" I'm trying my hardest to keep my voice calm, but it's pretty difficult. Tommy doesn't say anything, he just stares at me with a look that tells me he's not too convinced by my answer.
"You sure? You're blushing pretty hard right now." He comments with a smirk.
"No, I'm not." I state bluntly, then start walking down my street. Why don't I have the courage to say 'No, that's just a stupid rumor, I see you as a friend and nothing more' and just leave it at that? But I know I'd be lying to myself, and it wouldn't make me feel any better. God, I feel like such an idiot.
I hear Tommy laughing behind me. "Ah, c'mon, don't leave. I'm just playing around." He catches up to me and grabs my shoulder. "Aw, you're still blushing. That's adorable."
If it was possible for my face to get any redder than it currently is, it would. I don't get it. There's a rumor going around that I have a crush on him, he knows about that rumor, and he's just...okay with that? Not only that, but he's joking around like it's nothing?
"How come you're not freaked out by that rumor?"
"Freaked out?" I don't think I've ever heard such genuine confusion in someone's voice before. He lets out a small huff of laughter. "So you might have a crush on your friend. Big deal, I've been there before. Why would I be freaked out by it?" His words make me feel a little at ease.
"Okay...so let's say hypothetically, the rumor's true. It really wouldn't bother you? And please be honest." I ask hesitantly.
"Of course not. Honestly, I take it as a compliment. And besides..." He places both of his hands on my shoulder, and I feel my heart skip several beats as we make eye contact.
"You're cute. Who's to say I wouldn't like you too?"

Your Guardian Angel (BxB)
RomanceSophomore Nico Rogers hasn't had it easy: His mom died, he's a frequent target for bullying, he struggles with mental illness, and a dark secret from the past has haunted him for a long time. When a new guy at school stands up for Nico and manages t...