A/N: Hey, just wanna put a quick disclaimer that this chapter contains some suggestive content. It's not smut, nowhere even close to it, but I figured I'd put a note just in case. Enjoy.
Out of all the days the school could've picked to have a boring assembly, why did it have to be today? We have an early dismissal, because tomorrow is the start of Thanksgiving break. I wasn't feeling too good last night and barely got any sleep because of it. I've been feeling exhausted all day, and right now, I just want to go home and sleep for an entire day. I yawn, trying my hardest to stay awake as our principal continues rambling about...actually, I don't even remember what this assembly's for. Something about how they're thinking about changing up the schedule next year, I think? I haven't been paying attention at all.
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. A text from Tommy. I didn't see him anywhere when I entered the auditorium, so he's either sitting somewhere where I can't see him or he's ditching. Like me, he's not a fan of assemblies, so the second option is the more likely one.
T: So, how's that assembly? (12:17 P.M.)
I quickly look around, making sure none of the teachers are watching, before I quickly tap in a reply.
N: Lame as shit. Where u at? I'm bored and really tired :( (12:17 P.M.)
T: Hiding in the bathroom with a few other guys. Trying not to get found by the monitors. I'll meet you outside ;) (12:18 P.M.)
I smirk at the text and slip my phone back into my pocket. What a rebel. I start to doze off again as the principal continues to drone on in his monotone voice. I'm startled awake as the bell rings, finally dismissing us. About time. I stand up and follow the crowd towards the entrance.
Of course it has to be pouring outside. At a time when Dad's still working and I can't call him to come pick me up. I'm sure Audrey's working as well, but even if she wasn't, I don't have her number, so asking her to drive me isn't an option, either. Just my fucking luck. I pull my hood over my head and speed up my pace. Just as he promised, Tommy's standing outside on the sidewalk, waiting for me. Given how shitty the weather currently is, I'm a little surprised he didn't go home already. I wouldn't be mad at him if he did.
"Hey you." He smiles at me as I approach, and I can't help but smile back. Even as we're getting drenched, he still looks happy.
"Hey. Y'know, I think you had the right idea skipping that assembly. It was so boring."
He lets out a soft laugh as we start walking. "Yeah, I imagine. You look tired, you feeling okay?" He asks, as if I'm not already aware of how awful I must look. I only shrug and reach over to lace my fingers with his. We walk in silence until we reach the corner of my street, when he stops. Before I can ask why he stopped, he brings his hands up to hold my face. He leans down and attaches his lips to mine. I close my eyes, feeling my heart speed up. I wrap my arms around his neck, neither of us caring that anyone passing by will see us, or that we're getting drenched right now. I know that the whole kissing in the rain thing is cliché as all hell. But I can't lie, it feels...really nice.
After a few minutes, we pull apart, both of us struggling to catch our breath.
"What was that for?" I ask, letting out a small laugh. I wasn't expecting that, not that I'm complaining of course.
He just shrugs. "I dunno, thought it would help you feel a little better." A smirk creeps onto his face. "And judging from the way you're smiling and the way your face is turning red, I'd say it worked." He teases. I feel my face heat up more as I pull myself out of his grip.
"I hate you." I tell him jokingly, earning a loud laugh from him. He drapes his arm over my shoulders, pulling me closer to him, and kisses my cheek. "So, what do you wanna do now? We've been standing here for too long and I'm freezing."

Your Guardian Angel (BxB)
RomanceSophomore Nico Rogers hasn't had it easy: His mom died, he's a frequent target for bullying, he struggles with mental illness, and a dark secret from the past has haunted him for a long time. When a new guy at school stands up for Nico and manages t...