england and america love each other

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New York found herself lost in the gardens, her innocent laughter echoing through the air as she played with her new doll.

Ever since England began taking her to church, a bedtime routine was put in place. Each night, England would read books to her and pray after. Gone was the intimidating and confusing figure New York cowered from. England was nice and gentle now, and knowing that he would never betray her trust or sell her off made her long for his attention and affection.

Following church this past week, England surprised her by gifting her a porcelain doll, which New York named Guinevere after the wife of King Arthur. Guinevere had a captivating beauty, with ginger locks and a hand-painted face, Her green eyes stared at New York with such affection. Alongside the doll came a baby blue dress and her own tiny sewing kit.

New York thinks she loves England now.

The sun's rays filtered through the dense foliage, casting intricate patterns on New York's face as she clutched Guinevere to her chest tightly. Her delicate fingers traced the doll's exquisite features, a childlike atmosphere hanging in the air. Lottie informed her that dinner time was fast approaching, and New York hurriedly made her way to the dining hall, skipping as she went.

England sat at the head of the table, engrossed in a book, his steely gaze piercing through New York whenever it landed upon her. With a brisk gesture, one of the staff members pulled out New York's chair, and she settled herself, swinging her legs.

In the past, the mere intensity of England's gaze would have unsettled New York, causing her to quiver. However, as the months passed and New York spent more time in England's presence, a realization occurred within her. She came to understand that England would never cause her harm. In fact, his love for her became evident through his actions and words.

Now, New York carries the certainty of England's love within her heart. The knowledge of his unwavering affection brings her immense joy, and she can feel her heartbeat with warmth and adoration whenever her thoughts turn to him. The fear and apprehension that once plagued her have been replaced by a deep and abiding affection for the country that has shown her nothing but kindness and protection.

England and her spoke of anything and everything. Tense silences were gone, replaced by a lively little colony and her indulging master.

Dinner came to an end, yet England made no effort to dismiss her from the dining hall.

New York's anticipation grew as a glance out the window informed her of her approaching bedtime. Suddenly, the doors swung open, revealing a man in a worn petticoat standing before them, a stark contrast to England's typical distinguished guests. Holding a meticulously crafted box in his hands, his gaze darted nervously between New York and a young boy who accompanied him, clutching a smaller box.

"Lord Kirkland!" the man exclaimed, his voice faltering under the weight of England's intimidating aura. His eyes shifted uneasily between New York and England once more. "The items you requested are in these boxes."

England rose from his seat, and New York followed suit, her gaze fixated on his unyielding expression. Her heart raced with anticipation, despite the foreboding atmosphere that suddenly engulfed the room.

"Indeed," England responded curtly, his voice void of warmth. New York thinks it must only be reserved for her. "Let us see if they meet my expectations."

As England opened the larger box, New York strained on her tippy toes to catch a glimpse of its contents, her curiosity getting the best of her. England's face remained stoic, betraying nothing of his thoughts or emotions. Moving on to the smaller box, England's cold gaze lingered on it for a moment and he clicked his tongue, causing unease to ripple through the man and the young boy at his side.

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