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Summary: Joshua and Jeonghan celebrates their 71st anniversary, as if they were 17


Jeonghan smiles seeing Joshua's face, eyes closed, lips parted and soft snores coming out from his mouth. Even after years of being together he can't get enough of Joshua's sleeping face, he looks just so ethereal in Jeonghan's eyes, and he is. Jeonghan tugs a stray hair from Joshua's eyes to behind his ear.
He kisses his hairs softly, same with nose and lips, and chuckles when Joshua whines at the ticklish sensation. He gets up and takes bath, slipping in his new attire he goes down, wrapping an apron around his waist he starts to make breakfast. Today is their 71st anniversary from the time they are together. He wants to make it special for his husband as he did always. He never knew how to make food but living with Joshua for years he got to know how to. Now you'll be wondering how he got to know how to make, well he stares at Joshua daily whenever he's making breakfast so that explains.

He enters their bedroom and sees Joshua getting up, rubbing his eyes from his cute fists, even though they're above mid 50's now, still Joshua's Beauty never fails to make Jeonghan's heart run wild. He goes towards him and takes his fists in his hands."you know it's not good to rub your eyes that much love", Joshua feels his cheeks going red at the nickname, no matter how many years they've been together, or how many years has gone them being husbands, hearing nicknames like this from Jeonghan still makes his heart swell with happiness, and his cheeks with blush.

"sorry hanniee", Joshua says voice as always so soft like honey, Jeonghan still sometimes wonder how can someone has this much pretty and soft voice. He loves it how his name slips out of his lips. Jeonghan just chuckles and kisses his lips, Joshua returning it. They both parted away and Joshua goes to change. He comes down and sees breakfast ready and on table, with bouquet of Snowdrops in middle of table. He smiles happily, in these all years of their dating and marriage Jeonghan always gifts him Snowdrops on their anniversary, they holds a special place In his heart. "You made it all?", He asks still smiling, as Jeonghan pulls out a chair for him."yeah but I don't know if it's good or not at least it is edible, that's all I know", Jeonghan says scratching his neck nervously and Joshua just chuckles.

They both have breakfast with Joshua complimenting Jeonghan that how much tasty breakfast he made.
(Btw breakfast had blue berry pancakes, with chocolate syrup and orange juice)

"Joshuji get ready we're going out", Jeonghan says to Joshua who was currently washing dishes, even though Jeonghan wanted to hire maids when they got married Joshua told him not to because he wanted to do their house chores by himself so Jeonghan complied and always helps him in it.

"Where are we going?", Joshua asks they were sitting in the car going somewhere but Joshua didn't know where because he had blindfold covering his vision. "Don't worry, I ain't kidnapping you love", Jeonghan says, the nickname slipping from his lips ever so smoothly making Joshua blush.joshua nudges his arm playfully. Joshua felt car stopping after sometime, means they reached their destination. They got out and Joshua hears noise, he wonders where they are.

His eyes goes wide when he looks at the view Infront they were at amusement park, Joshua's favorite place, he remembers they had their first date at the same park. They were 17 that time, in high school when Jeonghan proposed Joshua and took him here for their first ever date. He smiles at the memories, eyes filling with tears
time really flies fast, he remembers it just like a back of his hand, it felt like they were here just yesterday and now they are here again.

"Shall we?", Jeonghan asks offering his hand to Joshua who held it, and they walked inside. They goes towards the photo booth first, taking a different types of pics, just like they used to, making goofy faces. After that they went to merry-go-round, riding it like they were kids, laughing and gigglingly, people standing there smiled at them. After that they went to roller coaster, Giggling as winter breeze hits their faces as the ride goes down.

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