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Summary: Joshua had a Darkside, Jeonghan didn't know about


Jeonghan was sitting in his office. It was lunch break but he was still working when he heard a knock on his door. "Come In" he called out and whoever was outside came in. Seeing his secretary standing there he look at her in confusion. "What are you doing here Mi-Cha? Shouldn't you be in cafeteria? There still is so much time left" Jeonghan was confused as to what his secretary doing here when it is lunch time and she should be having lunch. "I wanted to talk to you sir~" she says, her voice had a slur in it. And Jeonghan understood where it was going. "Go ahead." He says slumping back on his seat. "Sir actually I-i really like you for a long time now." She says, heading ducking down in shyness.

(A/n: she looks like a duck🙄)

"Mrs. Song you do realize what you're saying right? And you do know I'm already Married." Jeonghan says. Voice laced with sterness. "But I'm more hot than him sir~" she kept on emphasizing on 'Sir' trying to make it sound sexy but in Jeonghan's pov it was just some duck trying to act cute. Which was too much disgusting. She came forward and runs her hand through his face. He immediately caught her hands and pushed her back. Standing up he says, "stay in your limits Mrs Song. Or it won't be good for your career." "But sir I'm much better than him. Please give me one chance sir and I'll show what I'm capable of." She says and hugs Jeonghan. Jeonghan got irritated and was about to push her away when.

"Hanniee you here?" A voice echoed in his office room, coming in the view was his cute husband's face. He immediately shrugged the girl off and goes towards his husband. "Joshuji it was nothing like what you're thinking." He says trying to explain himself but all of his stress goes away when he sees his husband smiling. "I know hanniee I trust you enough to
Believe on these things." Jeonghan sighs. "Thanks love." He then hugs his husband. Breaking the hug he turns towards his secretary. "You can go away from here Miss Song I want to spend my free time with my Husband." Mi-Cha huffs and goes from there. She didn't noticed a pair of dark eyes following her until she was out of sight.

"Baby I'm really sorry you had to see that. Some people just don't know how to keep their hands to themselves." Jeonghan says, now sitting on couch in his massive office room beside his husband. Who was opening the lunch box he brought himself with. "It's alright baby. You know I trust you alot. So don't worry." Joshua says now facing Jeonghan who was already looking at him fondly. "What are you looking at?" Joshua asks."simply looking how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have you." Jeonghan says making Joshua shy. "Hanniee stop." He says playfully hitting his chest. "Btw why you didn't called me before coming I would've received you down by myself." Jeonghan says. Taking the chopsticks Joshua was handing him. "Didn't wanted to disturb you. I knew you were still doing work that's why." Jeonghan smiles at his thoughtful husband.

They talked for an hour and then it was time for lunch break to over and they both had to part away. About which Jeonghan was a bit reluctant.so Joshua promised him a date and also that if he worked hard today he will be received with a reward tonight. In excitement Jeonghan finally let go off him and went back to work. Joshua also made his way to their home.


Micha was walking way back home. She was frustrated. Today she was about to seduce Jeonghan and was even half successful (in her own thoughts 🙄) but everything was ruined because of Jeonghan's husband. Oh how much she despised him. He was married to most handsome and youngest CEO and not to mention how handsome he was himself. She badly wanted to be in his place. She wanted Jeonghan and she will get him at all cost.

She was walking on footpath when a black car stopped Infront of her. She was shocked at how much luxurious the car was but now wasn't the time to think about that. She wanted to know why they stopped before her.
Suddenly a thought clicked her. She thought maybe they were her Secret Admirer. And now they finally are going to confess to her. But she forgot that it wasn't some K-drama going on here.it was real life and she didn't know in what she has gotten herself into.

She was starring at the car when two men came out. She smiled at them but her smile immediately disappeared when they both held her from her both arms. One of them made her smell something and she felt her consciousness going away.

Mi-Cha woke up in a dark room. The only light which illuminated the small space of room was dangling above her head. "Thank god you're finally awake. I was getting tired waiting." A voice said from the shadows of darkness. (A/n:eh cliche😅)
Now Mi-Cha was scared. But her overconfident mind thought something else. And she opened her mouth. "Are you my stalker? Oh My God. That is why I was feeling someone keeping their eyes on me. Even in bathroom. Were you watching me change?" She asks acting all shocked even though she wasn't at all. Someone keeping their eyes on her in secret made her excited but babe how wrong he was. "What? Are you kidding me? Why would I even watch you? You have small boobs anyway and First of all I'm not even interested in them." Voice or Man says sassily making her blush in embarrassment. She wasn't insulted like this before. "I like your courage. That in this type of situation you're still spiling nonsense. But I assure you, you won't be able to say anything before morning." Man says voice as dark as the darkness in room and this time she really felt shivers going down her spine.

"Who are you? And why are you doing this? Please leave me. I'm sorry for anything I've done wrong." She begs in cracked voice. "Should've thought before trying to seduce my husband." Man says slowly leaning in and now Mi-Cha could see his face under the small light in the room. She was shocked to see the person. "Joshua hong?" She questions and Joshua just chuckles. Joshua was known for his soft and gentle personality. He was pure and innocent. But the man sitting infront of her wasn't like that at all. He had a smirk plastered on his face. Eyes dark and full of evilness. His aura was screaming Danger and she wanted to get away from him as soon as possible. "I'm sorry I-i won't do this again. P-please l-leave m-e." She kept on begging and stuttering but the man infront of her seemed unaffected.

"I'll give you two options. Whatever you'll chose will be done." He says standing up and she feels happy. Maybe there was a chance for her to get away from here. But oh boy how wrong she was. "You choose one color Red Or Blue? I'll kill you with the method based on the color you choose." She feels her heart beating wildly in fear. She doesn't have a chance out now does she?

"W-What do you mean?" "I think I was pretty straightforward with my question. But if you didn't understand I'll repeat it myself. You want to die by "Red" or "Blue" He says now standing behind her chair. Hands grinding against wooden material. "Answer quickly I don't like to wait." He says. And she shakes in fear. She knew she doesn't have any other choice rather than to chose so she chooses. "Blue" she says voice trembling. "Awee you should've chosen Red one. That's my favorite." Joshua says pouting and she shivers by his behavior. "But as you've chosen already I'll give you a favor by granting your wish. Tho I didn't wanted to kill you so easily but now I don't have any other option. I have a date with my hubby. You know I don't like to make my Hanniee wait. I have to be there In an hour so bye~"
Joshua says and-

Bang Bang Bang

There was a sound of loud gunfire and Micha's body slumped backwards on chair lifelessly. She had three holes in her body. Two on heart one on head. Joshua wanted to fire her more but he was getting late so he left from there and his men started to wipe off the traces.
"There's no one who can steal my Hanniee from me." He says and walks off.


Every single person in this universe has a Darkside. We just need a source to pull it out.
Jeonghan just happened to be Joshua's source.


Hi everyone!
How are you doing?
I wanted to thank all the people who have liked my this one-shot book so far. I'm soo much happy and thankful about that.i've never ever thought that anyone would read it before starting it but you did. So thank you so much...
I love you all. 💞
Have a good day...

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