The way I loved you

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Summary: Joshua and Jeonghan are married but not with each other


"Hyung you ready?", Mingyu asks, closing his cuffs button. They have a reunion tonight, all of their University friends are going to come, Joshua and Mingyu have studied together with their other friends and their group was used to call Seventeen. Now that he thinks they were pretty popular back then. Now they all are busy with their families and work, they don't get enough time to hang out. He's happy that they're meeting again. Vernon just came from New York a few days ago with his husband and their friend Seungkwan so they thought to have a reunion. "Oh yeah I'm ready", he hears his husband voice and looks up. He felt his breath hitching and heart going wild. After all these years of marriage he can't bring himself to not feel butterflies seeing the male Infront of him. He still is as beautiful as he was when they first met. Tho he was dating one of their friends that time but that doesn't matter now, because now he was mingyu's and only his.

"Am I looking alright Gyu?", Joshua asks when he sees Mingyu in daze. "You're looking so much beautiful as always Darling", Mingyu says as goes ahead, wrapping his hands around older male's waist and kisses his forehead. "You never fail to make me fall in love with you all over again". He says hides his face in Joshua's crook of neck, kissing their gently. "Ayy now you're being cheesy", Joshua jokes as he too wraps his arms around youngers neck. Hearing mingyu's words flashes someone's face Infront of him, someone he used to hold so close to his heart.

Someone who once was his everything, reason of his laugh, reason of his happiness also the reason of his pain and sorrow. But now these are mere memories, memories he still treasures, memories which don't leave him alone a single day, but he is doing better, he is married, married to a person who loves him too much, take scare of him, treats him perfectly. He's perfect. Mingyu's love is just like a smooth winter breeze, Gentle, beautiful, full of happiness. His love was Agressive, painful yet it made Joshua feel thousands of butterflies, yet it made him happy and he wanted to stay in it forever. His love was full of passion, full of lust and hot nights. Mingyu's love is full of sincerity, full of colors. And Joshua loves it. But it doesn't mean he didn't loved him, he did too much for his own good and maybe this was the reason they had to part away. But now everything's changed, he loves Mingyu and his happy with him. He too is happy with his husband.

"Mingyu-yaa I love you", Joshua whispers softly in his ears, "I love you too hyung, soo much". They kept on standing there hugging each other for good five minutes, when Mingyu finally decided to let got of the older, they still had a reunion to attend. "Let's go shall we?", He asks and older nods his head. They both head outside towards the car and Mingyu holds the door for older, he's always been doing this since the day they met, even though they were just friends back then and would hang out but he always holds door for Joshua. He just feels it in him, he feels that his hyung deserves to be treated like a prince he is.

They both reach the location and Joshua feels his eyes going wide in excitement, they were at his favorite restaurant. He looks at Mingyu and sees him scratching his neck. "You told Vernon to choose this place right?", He asks with a knowing look and when latter nods he feels warm inside. "I was busy last whole week and couldn't took you out on date so I told Vernon to pick this at least that would make it right?", Mingyu asks explaining. His eyes goes wide when he feels soft lips of his husband on his own, He can't get enough of them. They're sweet like too much sweet. He thinks he might get diabetes as to how much he kisses those lips but he doesn't mind, he loves it.

"Get a room already", Joshua breaks the kiss, hearing oh so familiar voice. Voice he loved Listening his name from. Voice which drowned him in it's depth on daily basis. And there stands the man he never forgot and never will. YOON JEONGHAN his first love, his first kiss, his first boyfriend, his first best friend and his first breakup. "Yeah yeah no need to tell, we'll do it when we're home", Joshua replies smiling happily, noticing the blush on his husband's cheek, who will say this man tops him?

Tho they were used to be boyfriends and were so in love but after breaking up they didn't ended their friendship, no matter what they still were best friends. "Hi cheol, how's everything?", Joshua asks as he gives Seungcheol a bro hug. "Everything's good what about you?", Seungcheol says and also hugs Mingyu. "Perfect", Joshua smiles. "let's just go inside my feet already hurt", Jeonghan says and walks in leaving the other three behind..

They all walk inside and sees all of their other friends already there, greeting them they all started to talk and enjoy.

Now everyone was high, talking in slurred voices. Joshua walks outside to take fresh air, he stands beside Jeonghan who was already standing there smoking. "You didn't quit?", Joshua asks, "I'm trying, Seungcheol doesn't like it when I smoke but sometimes you really need it", Jeonghan replies, soon taking a smoke. "Yeah"...."so how's everything with Mingyu?", "Perfect, he takes care of me, loves me too much, makes time for me even if he's too much busy, Always puts my needs first. In short he's perfect, we do fight sometimes but make up immediately. He says he can't live without me", Joshua says small smile taking place at his lips, remembering the 6 feet tall baby husband of his. "And you?", Jeonghan asks still looking ahead and smoking time to time. Joshua knew what he was asking. "Honestly now I also can't. He makes me feel complete and If he's not near I feel incomplete so that should do", Jeonghan just nods at his words. "Maybe it was a good decision to part, I wasn't perfect for you", Jeonghan says after a 5 minutes of silence.

"You were best han, Perfect is not always best. But best can be perfect", Joshua says smiling, looking in Jeonghan's eyes and he walks back.

And now Jeonghan regrets, regrets breaking up with the person who still makes him feel thousands of butterflies in his stomach, who still makes his heart beat faster. He looks at Joshua's disappearing figure and smiles. But maybe it was good to part away, Now Joshua is with someone who loves him and treats him the way he deserves. But he knows Joshua too misses all those moments of his Agressive love like he does.

That was just the way Jeonghan loved him. Aggressively, possessively but it was true. Too true to be real...


But i miss screaming and fighting
And kissing in the rain
It's 2am and I'm cursing your name
So in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you~

Couldn't help but write the lyrics
Hope so you liked this one.....

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