Somebody To You

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Summary: Jeonghan confesses his love by Music


SNU, Basketball court....

"That damn Choi". Jeonghan mumbles as he sits beside his friends who were currently in basketball ground resting after a hard practice. "Hyung where were you? You know no one will consider you our captain because of how much you skip our practices". Mingyu says stretching his limbs and Jeonghan only shows him his tongue. "Shut it I'm already annoyed enough to talk about it". He says irritation evident on his face. "Why are you so irritated?". This time Hoshi says while sitting down beside him. "You know the reason damn well". "I know you again didn't get to talk to him?". Jun guesses. "Yes and that is because of that Choi. God damn Choi Seungcheol he doesn't leave him for a single second. That buff dog", "Yahh Hyung!", Chan shouts while hitting Jeonghan on his shoulder and pouting after. "Yahh chan don't hit me. It's not my fault that you only found him to be your boyfriend from every single person in this university". "For your information hyung he's not only my boyfriend but your friend too. It's not my fault you're scared of him. And you're in love with his cousin brother".. Jeonghan just pouted at that. He really is scared of Seungcheol. Man is tall and has so much muscle and not to mention his scary face. And he is always stuck to the boy he likes like leash how will he confess then?

"Admit it hyung you're a pussy cat. You even stutter when you talk to Shua hyung", Chan says, stating a fact of matter which only resulted in Jeonghan pouting more and Others beside them to laugh. "You dumb asses you're his friends you're supposed to give him suggestions not tease", Wonwoo scolds who just entered basketball court with Woozi beside him. "Where's hao?", Jun asks looking at them. "He went with Jungkook and Seokmin. They wanted his help in some assignment related to fashion."..."oh alright!"

"So hyung tell us what's your problem why can't you confess? Maybe we can help you?", Wonwoo says now sitting beside his boyfriend, Mingyu. "Umm I don't know won I can't approach him whenever he's with Seungcheol and when he's alone I just can't talk.", Jeonghan says, his voice sad and dull. All of the boys sitting beside him shared concerned looks with each other. They've never seen him sad before..

"Why don't you confess to him through music? That way you don't have to talk to him and we'll take care of Seungcheol", Woozi says who was sitting quietly all this time and Jeonghan eyes shown in excitement.

Same time,

"Hyung why are you both glaring at each other?" Seungkwan asks looking at Joshua and Seungcheol. "Don't ask me ask him." Joshua says immediately huffing after. "It's not my fault. He is just being sulky because that Yoon didn't talked to him." Seungcheol says making Joshua look at him. "First of all he has a name and secondly it is your fault. If you don't scare Every single person approaching me he would've talked to me today." Joshua says again huffing, puffing his cheeks out adorably. In which response 3 men sitting beside him cooed at him. "Hyung if you like him why don't you confess?" Vernon asks. "I can't Noniee what ur he reject me? And moreover he doesn't even talk to me because of this camel." He says pointing at shocked Seungcheol. "Did you just called me camel?" He asks offended. "Yeah i did what you gonna do huh?" Joshua replies, folding his sleeves upwards hands on hip...And they continued arguing....

University corridor...

Seungcheol was now walking to his class when he felt some footsteps behind him. He looked back but found no one. He was now passing by janitor's room when he felt himself get dragged. Till he got to react he already was tied with ropes."I'm really sorry hyung but I had to do it. For Jeonghan hyung." Chan says and runs... Seungcheol kept on struggling but no use...

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