Light a Flame

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Ain't gonna give you any summary this time...
Get ready for a surprise😉😁


Joshua walks out of bathroom and sees Jeonghan sitting on couch in man pose, legs spreaded, tie loosen, sleeves of white dress shirt rolled up, Long black bangs falling freely, and black dress blazer placed on couch's arm rest. Seeing Jeonghan like this something twitched in Joshua. He felt his middle of legs tighten at the view, under his bath robe.

When his eyes meets Jeonghan's Joshua knew latter was jealous. Possessiveness was evident in his eyes, Joshua tried hard not to mewl at the sight. "Come here." There was nothing in Jeonghan's voice but order. And Joshua obediently followed it. Reaching the couch he stood Infront of him.


Jeonghan says and Joshua immediately kneels Infront of him. He knew Jeonghan didn't liked repeating himself and he didn't wanted to add fuel to latter's anger further.


The speed joshua's hands moved at right now he was sure if he ran with this speed he would've beaten Usain bolt. The lightly damped robe Joshua was wearing was now casted on floor, and Joshua was sitting on cold surface with nothing, but his glistening fair skin. Light water drops on his body were shinning due to the moonlight coming in through slightly parted curtains. Room was dark but jeonghan's aura was darker.

"Turn around"

Joshua complied and immediately turned around. His back facing Jeonghan. He knew what was coming but he didn't minded it a bit. He was rather excited for a person to have a punishment.

"Face down, Ass up."

Jeonghan says and Joshua does. He hears belt unbuckling sound and his eyes sparkle in excitement. To his pleasure soon a palm landed on his ass. And he jerks forward. "Count." Jeonghan orders. "1"


Jeonghan stops. Joshua's once white ass was now red with fingerprints. "You do know why you're receiving this punishment right?" Jeonghan whispers in his ear. Body touching Joshua's back fully. "Yes" joshua answers but receives one more spank. "You're forgetting to add something." ...."yes master." Joshua immediately corrects himself. "now highlight yourself with what wrong you did." Jeonghan orders. And Joshua recites. "I wore revealing clothes-Ahh" joshua moans as he felt new spank. "Continue."...."I flirted with Mingyu." Jeonghan frowns and the way this time spank was more harder than previous ones, Joshua knew he was clearly displeased on the mention of former male. "And what did I told you about wearing revealing clothes?" Jeonghan asks and gets up...

"Not to wear them unless it's only me and you." ...Joshua replies and feels Jeonghan making him stand up. Jeonghan snakes his hand around Joshua's waist and picks him up. Joshua wraps his thighs around Jeonghan's waist. "Exactly. You know I don't like someone seeing your skin." Jeonghan says and throws Joshua on bed. Rather gently for him being so harsh before. Joshua bounces on bed lightly and Jeonghan immediately gets above him. He holds Joshua's chin in his hand, Gently. Joshua internally smiles at that. Jeonghan acts like he is tough and harsh on him but he can't bring himself to hurt him at all.

He attaches their lips together and his free hand makes it's way down Joshua's thigh. Jeonghan slowly crases Joshua's inner thigh making him moan. He slips his tongue inside his mouth and savours whole caravan. Joshua wraps his hands around Jeonghan's neck, pulling him more closer. If it was even possible. Jeonghan's hand slowly makes it's way up Joshua's rim and he starts crasesing it.
Joshua moans loudly at that. Jeonghan starts to leave open mouth kisses on his chin, making his way to his neck. He sucks on his sweet spot for a while. Making sure to give a dark purple mark so everyone gets to know whom he belongs to.

He then reaches his pink nubs and take one in his mouth, sucking on it he swirls his tongue around him. Playing with other from his free hand. Joshua crases Jeonghan's hairs, pulling closer. Jeonghan slowly goes more down kissing all over joshua's stomach. The way Jeonghan was kissing and sucking Joshua knew he would meet many purple marks next morning. But he didn't mind that a bit. He liked when Jeonghan acts possessive and claims him as his.

Jeonghan gets up and takes off his own clothes. Throwing them on floor. Seeing Jeonghan's harden length Joshua mewls at sight (literally). Jeonghan smirks and comes closer, "wanna suck?" He asks and Joshua doesn't even think for a second and immediately nods his head. Jeonghan sits on couch and signals Joshua to come. Joshua comes closer and sits on his knees. He wraps his fingers around Jeonghan's cock and Jeonghan groans at that. He starts to give kitten licks on the tip of cock and slowly takes it whole inside his mouth. The throbbing length inside his mouth was giving him so much pleasure. He looks up at Jeonghan, bobbing his head, sucking his length and Jeonghan moans loudly at that. Sometimes Jeonghan thinks how can someone look so innocent while doing something so sinful.

Jeonghan's groans and moans fills the room as he reaches his high. With a last suck from Joshua Jeonghan cums inside him. Joshua sucks Every single bit of his husband's cum, looking at Jeonghan with his soft innocent doe eyes. Jeonghan kisses Joshua, and lays him down fully on floor. He gets above him and without warning he enters his fingers inside his hole. Joshua moans at the feeling and kisses Jeonghan back harder. Jeonghan thrust his middle finger inside his pink hole and then enters two more at same time. He starts to thrust harder, preparing Joshua for a rather bigger thingy.

Joshua whines when he feels Jeonghan taking out his fingers. But moans when Jeonghan's length comes in contract with his pink purked whole. "You want it?" Jeonghan asks and Joshua immediately replies. "Yes yes Master I want it please please give it to me." Joshua mewls and Jeonghan slowly starts to enter inside his hole. After entering fully he waits for a few seconds for Joshua to adjust. A nod from Joshua and Jeonghan starts to ram inside him. Really harder.

Joshua's moans resonated the dark, silent house. Which turned Jeonghan more on. "Ahh yess yes there yes master there." Joshua moans when Jeonghan hits his postrate. Hearing his moans Jeonghan thrusts more harder. "Yess master harder—Fast—nghhh"

"Hanniee i—i'm about to c—nghh—um." Joshua calls out between his moans. "Yes baby cum. Let's cum together hmm?" Jeonghan softly asks, he knows when Joshua calls out his name during making love, it's because he can't hold his cum anymore. And with 2 more hard thrusts from Jeonghan they both came at same time. Joshua on his stomach and Jeonghan inside Joshua. Jeonghan lays on Joshua, crasesing his hairs softly he says,"you did good baby." He kisses his husband's sweaty forehead and gets up. He picks up Joshua and lays him on bed. He goes to bathroom, bringing out a damped towel and new clothes he cleans Joshua and make him wear his own hoodie. He likes seeing Joshua in his own hoodie.

Jeonghan comes out of bathroom after showering and lays beside Joshua, who was now fast asleep. Kissing his forehead and pecking his lips. He closes his eyes when he hears,"I love you hanniee." He smiles and replies back, "I love you too Joshuji." And they both go back to sleep in each other's arms.

The End


So, here is the surprise for ya'all.
Damn I finally wrote a smut though It wasn't so good but I tried my best...
Hope so you all enjoy it.

As this Jihan's one-shot book has finally come to an end...
Why don't we do some Q/A?

1) which one was your favorite one-shot?
2) which of these made you cry the most and laugh the most?
(Though I don't think any would've done)
3) Lastly, Do you want me to write a new one-shot book or not?

You can ask me other questions too. Whatever you want to. I will try my best to answer...
Tho I'm feeling sad that I have to end this but everything has to end one day right?🥺🤧
Have a good day everyone....🤍🖤

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