7- Unspoken plans

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Updates will become more sparse, unfortunately I don't really have an access to a laptop or a computer and I'm going to get a laptop in a month or two. I will keep doing my best to update every other week or so, please be patient!

MK watched awkwardly as Macaque threw books into a pile, "Are you sure this is just for a light reading..?"

Macaque nodded, glancing down at a scroll, "Oh yeah, someone's gotta read these. Can't just let them go to waste." The boy's phone made a strange noise, startling Wukong who was napping beside him. The king flexibly slapped the phone away, accidentally sending it away like a projectile.

MK pouted, "My phone!" The king blinked owlishly, "...I am. So sorry, bud."

The ebony-furred monkey snorted, pulling out a phone from his shadows, "New phone, here ya go." He tossed it to MK, and the boy squinted at it, "...Is this stolen?"

Macaque shrugged, "Irrelevant. Aren't you and Wukong supposed to go help the chef with something?"

MK facepalmed, "Oh, yeah!" Pigsy had asked if Wukong could place a seal over the noodle shop in order to minimize damage future battles would cause.

Wukong picked up his student, summoning a cloud before suddenly blasting off without a warning.

Macaque snorted as he heard MK's screams before turning back to the books.

He needed to figure out how to get that damn ring out of the dragon girl...


Wukong landed roughly, holding his student in order to prevent him from being flung off of the cloud.

"Monkey King, please warn me first!"

The king smiled cheekily, "I don't see the problem." The brunette mumbled under his breath as he noticed his mentor's choice of words.

The duo walked in, and the younger of the two looked around in confusion, "...Pigsy? Tang? Mei?"

The boy quickly found everyone. They were sound asleep, and they didn't wake up as MK shook them.

Wukong suddenly pointed at a phone, glaring at it with glowing red eyes, "This thing is cursed!" MK looked down at the screen, humming as he noticed the game.

"Sleep Bug? Oh. Oh, that explains this mess."

The boy suddenly clapped his hands together, "I know! I'll go get Macaque to help me out. You can stay here and do the spell thing!"

Wukong blinked owlishly before shrugging, "Alright. Sounds like a plan."

Wukong placed the sleeping group on the couch (?) before carefully making chalk out of his hair. He traced it along the walls, squinting as he grumbled.

It just needed to surround the shop's interior.


MK ran into the cave, ignoring the way his shoes were soaked as he yelled, "MAC! MACAQUE!"

He skidded to a stop as a shadow opened up, revealing the warrior, "MK? What's wrong?"

Macaque didn't like being interrupted, but clearly there was an emergency.

"An app made the whole city fall asleep and I need to go to The Cloud in order to find a way to wake everyone up!"

Macaque blinked owlishly, "...The what?"

"The Cloud, it has knowledge on everything! Oh and I told Wukong to stay with the group. They're... also knocked out."

The boy fiddled with his sleeves, "And I don't want to be alone. Plus! I could really use the help." MK placed his hands together, staring at Macaque with wide, brown eyes.

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