Chapter 4: Welcome to Somnium

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Maggie opened her eyes and blinked, her vision was still blurry then it cleared, she went in shock to see the gilded wooden ceiling then got off the colorful bed and looked around, she was still in Bellflower Fountain's hotel room

"I'm still in a dream!. This has to be a false awakening", the curly haired girl thought to herself then pinched her arm again, she started to panic and yelled,"Ælsha!. Aroon!".

Maggie's dream guides suddenly appeared in front of her,

"Maggie, you're still here", Ælsha said

"Did you wake up in the real world?", Aroon asked

"No...I didn't. I know I went to sleep here but I woke up in the same room", the teenager said

They both began to get worried,"Something doesn't feel right"

"We tried everything we could do to help you"

"But, none of it worked. Usually it always works for all dreamers when they want to wake up. It's like, as if someone casted a spell on you, Maggie" , he said.

"What?. How's that possible?. Cou-could it be the woman telling me I'll never escape?", Maggie shuddered as she remembered the eerie voice from earlier

"It could just be part of the nightmare. We'll take you to King Morpheus, he'll know what to do", Aroon said

"Does that mean I get to meet the King of Dreams?", She asked in amazement

"Yes, Maggie. His castle is in Somnium, the capital of Oneiros", Ælsha said

As the trio walked near the subway entrance, Aroon spoke to Maggie

"Before we go inside, you might need a change of clothes, so you could blend in with the Oneirians", he said

The curly haired girl looked down at her nightgown then glanced around"Where do I change my clothes?", she asked

"It's your dream, Maggie, there are endless possibilities. Close your eyes and think of any outfit you would like to wear", Ælsha said

The teenager closed her eyes, thinks for a moment and looked down again to see that she was wearing a lavender dress with wide sleeves and long rippled skirt

"Beautiful. You look like one of us", she smiled

"Perfect. Let's go to the subway station".

When they entered the station, Maggie didn't realize how big it was, it had a large dome ceiling, marble floors and there were huge crowds of dream people of all different kinds, shapes and sizes, she looked around with wide eyes

The Oneirian frog-man went up to them, he was wearing a brown leather jacket,"Órre! Thob oöy eëem öt eciín!", he spoke in a croaky voice then looked at the curly haired girl,"Eroféb oöy neëes evii kniíth nod ii. Siíit si ow?"

"Latipa ët tisiíiv öt gniö erew. Gammeia si emaäan réh", Aroon said

Maggie looked at Ælsha skeptically, the dream guide put her finger to her lips as she stared back

"Somnium?. Ém wöllö, yaw siíit sti", the frog-man said, then walked away.

As they followed the dream character through the large crowded tunnel, the teenager whispered to Ælsha,"What's Gammeia?", she asked curiously

"Gammeia is your Oneirian name. Since you're disguised as a dream character, we're going to call you that only when we're around the people of the Dreamworld", she whispered back.

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