Chapter 6: Eternal Slumber

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Meanwhile in the real world, it had been a couple days since Maggie fell asleep to the land of dreams.

Neela and Ashley were in the Carlisle High School hallway for a break in between classes

"I'm getting worried about Maggie. I tried calling her but she would never answer. It's been two days. Have you heard from her?", the Indian girl said, she was standing by the lockers

The blonde haired girl puts away her school supplies in her locker, and turns to her friend,"No, I haven't yet. Maggie was probably busy with homework or something. Maybe she got sick all of the sudden and forgot to tell us", she said

"But, It's unlike Maggie, she almost always call or text us even when she needed help or support"

"That's true...".

"Hey girls. What's up?", Oliver asked as he walked over to them

"Both of us haven't seen or heard from Maggie in two days. We're very worried, did you see her?", Neela asked him back

"Nope. Well, you know how Mags is, she's always sleepy, maybe she doesn't want to wake up and decided to stay in dreamland riding the unicorn on the rainbow bridge, licking a giant lollipop", he started to laugh

"I'm serious, Oliver", she sternly said while staring intensely at him,

"What if something bad happens to Maggie? What if her mother did something horrible to her!", she exclaimed

"I was just joking, of course I don't want anything bad to happen to Maggie. I'm trying to brighten things up a bit, that's all"

"Neela, calm down", Ashley said as she gently took both of her friend's shoulders and looked into her warm brown eyes,"Everything's going to be okay, don't worry too much. I think Maggie is sick and just needed to rest"

"I know, I'm sorry. I get too worried easily", the Indian girl sighed then she looked down.

In the English classroom, Neela was sitting at her desk reading a book for an assignment then she heard a snore, the Indian girl got startled and she turned around in her seat to see a brown haired freshman boy sleeping with his head down on his opened book, he was wearing an unbuttoned plaid green shirt with rolled up sleeves over a red t-shirt

Neela gently shook the student to wake him up but he wouldn't budge and she looked around nervously.

The Teacher, Mr. Harris was writing words down on the whiteboard while looking at the textbook that he was holding, when the teacher was done, he put down the textbook then turned and noticed when he heard the snoring too.

Mr. Harris slowly walked down in between the row of desks with his hands behind his back while he makes his way towards the slumbering boy, the teacher glances at the Indian girl from his rectangle glasses, she abruptly looked back down at her book

"Ethan Vance", Mr. Harris said sternly but the student continued to snore, he briskly walked back over to his desk to grab a small whistle from the drawer then he blew hard into it which made a sharp high pitched noise.

Ethan abruptly sat up with his hands up in the air,"I'm awake, I'm awake!", he yelled out, the whole classroom broke into laughter

Neela was the only one who was quiet, she rolled her eyes in annoyance and shook her head

"Settle down, class!. Be quiet and all of you get back to work!", the teacher yelled, at that, the classroom went back to silence,"You shouldn't have been sleeping in class, Mr. Vance. You need to stay focused on your assignment more often or you will get an F on your report card. Do you understand, Ethan?", he continued saying

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