Chapter 11: The Temple in the Sky

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Maggie and her dream guides were flying on their animal companions, the wind was blowing through the teenager's auburn curls as she looked around her surroundings

The sky was bright blue with small puffy white clouds, she notices there were marble and stone structures on each floating island, they resembled a mixture of Greek and Roman architecture, there were bridges connecting them between the islands, the trio landed on one of them then got off the pegacorns

The Dreamer walked over, put her hand on a very tall pillar, looked up and over at the shallow body of water, "What is this place?", she asked

"These ruins are the Temples of Oneiros, they were built by the ancient Oneirians during the early years of the King's reign. The temples were named after him in honor, this was also a place of worship to him, as their god. After some time, he renamed himself as Morpheus so it would not cause confusion", Aroon explained

"Wow, That's interesting. Do they still worship Morpheus?"

"When the Dreamworld was first created by him, yes. But now, the Oneirians see Morpheus as more like a King to them", he said

"I'm just curious, who was the last Dreamer that met King Morpheus before?"

"I think the Dreamer's name was Aurélia"

"Aurelia?. That sounds like a pretty name. I'd like to meet her someday, if I ever wake up from this curse", she said

"Actually, It's been almost a couple centuries. That means...she's been dead for a long time in the real world. Morpheus told me Aurélia was a French noblewoman. One day, on her twenty-first birthday, she had gotten very sick and fell into a deep sleep, her maids and her parents tried to wake her up, but she never did, not for a long time"

'I wonder if this is where they got the idea of Sleeping Beauty from', she thought to herself then asked,"Was she depressed or put in a me?"

"No, It was just comatose. It was a rare illness at that time, the physicians couldn't figure out why Aurélia was still asleep. That's when she met King Morpheus, she begged him to heal and awaken her. Finally, after three months, Aurélia woke up feeling better then she lived a normal life after that. I didn't know how sleeping for three months was possible but, it happened".

Suddenly, a wave of energy flows through Maggie's body then she took a deep breath of the crisp air and exhaled

"Are you feeling alright, Maggie?", Aroon asked her when he notices she was being calm

"I don't know what just happened but I felt great", she smiled

"Good, I can tell. But, that black line is still around your neck"

Ælsha was strolling around the temple ruins then looked over to see the purplish-blue portal opening in mid-air, she gasped in surprise, vanished and reappeared next to her boyfriend, "Aroon, Maggie, look over there", she motioned her head toward the direction of the mysterious portal

Neela and Ashley emerged from it then closes behind them, they looked around in amazement

The curly haired girl went in shock as her friends rushed over as they cried out in unison,"Maggie!"

The dream guides watches the trio of girls crying and hugging each other for a moment then they all pulled away

"Neela,...Ashley, you came into my dream. Ho-how did you do that?"

"We missed you so much, we decided to check up on you and...", Neela said then raised her voice,"Don't scare us like that!"

She flinched from her Indian friend's outburst, "I-I'm so sorry..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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