Chapter 9: The Nightmare

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As they're walking through the city, they looked around and began noticing the Oneirians standing around, starting to follow their gazes at them

"Why're they all staring at us?", Ethan asked

"I think the dream people are just curious of us", Maggie spoke in a low voice then she saw Aroon and Ælsha standing together with their backs facing towards them

The teenager's face brightened up to a big grin as she ran over,"Hey, guys!. We've been wanting to tell you what we did. We had so much fun!", She said excitedly right when she laid her hand on Ælsha's shoulder

Suddenly, the Dreamers jumped back in fright and shock when the dream guides turned around, both of their faces were severely distorted.

Maggie gasped,', no, no!. This can't be happening now, this is bad. Please, don't let it be another nightmare!', she thought in horror

"Woah, what the heck. What's up with their faces?", Ethan said

Then, the Oneirian's spoke in unison, their voices sounded eerie and emotionless,"Anrutcon oiziv eanigera zumuz ivrez. Taecalp eartzon eanigera tu zumeipac muimnoz. Zubitnat ruteitap zunretea rotainmoz!"

While the curly haired girl listened, the language sounded foreign and harsher to her ears, it's unlike the regular Oneiric she's used to hearing

"Uh, they're talking like they're...possessed", the pajama boy said nervously as the Oneirians slowly began to crowd around them

"This means we have to run. Like right now!", she yelled as she snatched his hand to dash away with him from the crowd

The dream people started to follow them as if they were zombies.

While on the run, Ethan suddenly yanked his hand away, he was breathing heavily, he whirled around and stood his ground to yell at the Oneirians

"This is only a dream!. None of this is real, all of you are not real!. You guys are imaginations, all fake, just made up from our brains!"

Maggie looked at him in pure shock at what she heard,"Ethan, how could you say that", she softly said

All of the sudden, the people started to charge towards them

"Now look at what you did!. You made them mad!. Come on!", the teenager exclaimed, they ran over to the alleyway and walked down, they were catching their breaths

"You shouldn't ever do that. I don't think Aroon was joking about this rule, now you broke it. What's wrong with you?"

"There's something wrong with me, huh?. What rule are you talking about?. Isn't that what your dream guide said earlier, I thought he was joking", he was frustrated and confused

"I take that back. You told the Oneirians, the dream people, that they're not real and this is all fake. You're not allowed to ever say that", she calmly said while being a little angry

"Oh, really?. I told that TV-head kid he wasn't real, he didn't react negatively like those people did"

"That's because we weren't threatening him, this time you were"

"This doesn't make any sense, just like dreams are. Zavv licking his cream with his screen-tongue and it disappeared, purple ice cream taste like oranges, floating islands, swinging on a rope and jumping on stupid platforms high up in a huge mall, rainbow all over the place, winged unihorses, dream guides saying weird and crazy stuff. It's all confusing, none of this makes sense!"

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