origins : Arcee

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( Mumbai zoo )

Arcee was in her solidogram form, a black woman with dark hair, a lean yet muscular and well-endowed body wearing a blue tank top and black shorts. She had come here to rest after a mission to locate an Energon mine. As she observed the animals, she also listened to her radio, which reported on a disaster happening in India.

"And now, let's discuss this mysterious illness that doctors have dubbed 'Great Rage.' This affliction first appeared three days ago and primarily affects the impoverished areas of urban centers. Victims reportedly become highly aggressive and assault any living creature they encounter. At present, there is no known cure, so officials have resorted to confining affected individuals in cells to contain the outbreak. Renowned infectious disease expert Dr. Amelia Dawson is purportedly diligently working on developing a vaccine; however, she has not been seen or heard from since issuing her statement."

Arcee then cut off the radio when she came near the tiger enclosure. There saw a male and a female with two cubs, who playfully fighting. She couldn't help but smile at this.

"Look, Mom! The baby tigers are so cute. They look like they want to be hugged." a little girl cooed

"Not a good idea. Tigresses are very protective of their cubs. They'll attack anyone or anything that comes near them." The mother responded.

But cries of panic were heard and stones were thrown against the glass of the enclosure, shattering it. Arcee and the others turned back and saw gray-skinned people, snarling and running at them.

" The great rage ! " The mother cried, placing her daughter behind her

Arcee put herself in front of the two humans, but the three of them fell into the enclosure. Arcee was okay, but the other two were unconscious from what she could tell. However, the tigers got up and advanced towards her as the infected entered the enclosure. Under normal circumstances, Arcee would have deactivated her solidogram to escape, but she couldn't abandon the two others.

" Scrap ! I don't want them devoured by tigers or changed into zombies ! " Arcee said to herself, not knowing what to do

" Do not be afraid of the tigers. " A voice said

" Huh, who said that ? " Arcee asked, looking around

" Down there. " The voice responded

Arcee looked down and saw, inside a shard of glass, the face of a black woman wearing what looked like ancient jewelry. She thought she was hallucinating.

"Accept help from the tigers to protect those innocent people." The woman asked her

" Are you crazy ?! No way one of them is gonna be like a pet and help me. " Arcee protested

However, the male tiger came near her and nuzzled her with affection.

However, the male tiger came near her and nuzzled her with affection

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" See, he is accepting you as a friend. " The woman said, a bit smugly

Two infected advanced on her but the tiger pounced on them and stunned them with powerful strikes of his paws.

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