origins : Valeria

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Having been sent to Greece, Valeria Darby was exploring Athens to learn more about its ancient history. So far, she had visited the Tower of Winds, the Temple of Zeus, and the Panathenaic Stadium. She also saw numerous advertisements for a blood donation, organized by businesswoman Rita Alvarez. As Val looked into a storefront window, she saw a burly, bearded man wearing a lion skin pelt.

 As Val looked into a storefront window, she saw a burly, bearded man wearing a lion skin pelt

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When she looked behind her, there was no one there.

"I'm literally in the reflection, Valeria. I suggest you find a calmer spot, just to be sure you aren't seen as mad." The man said.

Totally weirded out, and that's saying something coming from the (unofficial) first human to ever travel on another planet, she walked away until she reached a deserted alley. Val then took her phone and looked at it. The man returned.

"Okay, pervert. Who the hell are you?", she asked.

"Really, doesn't the lion skin put you on the right track?" the man mocked.

"Don't tell me you are Herakles?" Val guessed.

" It's Her-CU-les. " The greek warrior corrected, with irritation

"Okay, okay. So I guess Greek mythology wasn't so mythical after all." Val guessed.

" Every mythology is true, Valeria. But that's not why I'm here. The reason concern your Cybertronian friends." Hercules said, picking her attention

" I'm listening. " Valeria stated

"A very long time ago, one of the Thirteen Primes, Megatronus, invaded our world. He wanted to conquer it in Unicron's name. I and five other gods managed to destroy his body and seal his spirit away from Earth. So imagine my shock when Hermes brought us the news that your astronauts had inadvertently freed him and brought him back." Hercules explained

" Let me guess : I am your descendant and I have to face him. " Val asked

"Not exactly. You are my reincarnation. The mark on your arm is proof of it." He made her look at her arm, where she saw a fist imprinted on it. "Enough about this, we must go seek my mace. You inherited my legendary strength, but you'll need it to be at its full potential. Help me enter the mortal world and I'll help you even better."

"And how am I supposed to do this? I'm not a witch," Valeria asked.

"Just hold your hand out to me and I'll come," Hercules answered.

Val did as he said and Hercules got out of the phone, albeit shrunk and glowing gold.

" The mighty Hercules, ladies and gentlemen. " Val snarked

" Why did I have to be like this ? My beautiful muscles are gone. " Hercules whined

" Stop complaining and tell me where your mace is. " Val cut him off.

(Ancient Demos of Koile.)

After some time, Val and Hercules finally reached the hiding place of Herc's club: a 20-foot tall statue of the demigod.

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