Origins : fusion

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( realm of gods )

After the five chosen ones explained everything to Ratchet and Sierra finished her vacation in Germany, they returned to the realm of gods to continue their training. Arcee was warned that now that she truly was the chosen of the Hindu pantheon, she would remain human forever. Arcee was initially upset but eventually accepted this fate with support from her friends. The gods also informed the girls that, as new goddesses, they were now bound to their powered forms.

Miko was coached by Raiden, Fujin, Aeolus, Jupiter, Thor, and Taranis to manipulate her lightning and wind in various ways. Zeus was asked to assist as well, but he declined unless the girls agreed to sleep with him. Valeria responded by punching him so hard that he remained trapped within the mountain for hours afterward. Although she technically broke the rules, Valeria was not reprimanded since Zeus deserved such treatment due to his lecherous behavior. Meanwhile, Hades could barely contain his amusement at his younger brother's predicament.

Arcee was coached by Kali and the water gods Varuna, Njord, Neptune, Lir, Thetis and Sobek.

"Now Arcee, you wield your weapons with impressive skills but I will help you wield the true power of the conch." Varuna said before levitating the conch towards the ex-cybertronian

Arcee gasped as the conch was absorbed into her body, and she felt a great power flowing through her. Njord waved his hand, and a lake appeared.

"The conch shell's power over water is now yours to use. With this, you will be able to control water, breathe under it, swim at great speed, and communicate with all aquatic life." Neptune explained

"Really ? That's amazing my lords." Arcee said

"Try it." Sobek asked her

Arcee concentrated, waving her hand as streams of water came out of the lake, circling around her before she sent them back.

"That was good, Arcee," Thetis congratulated her.

Meanwhile, June was coached by Horus, Helios, Selen, Apollo, Amateratsu, Sunna and Manì to manipulate her fire, light and moon shields as she wished.

Sierra was trained by Skadi and Khione to improve her powers over winter.

And finally, Valeria was trained by Hercules, Magni, Modi, and Sun Wukong to use everything about her strenght.

"As you yourself noticed, Valeria, you didn't just gain powerful punches or jumps. Hercules said you could run faster than a horse, but you can run even faster than that. You can provoke earthquakes and shock waves with your hands or feet. Your strength is so great that you can generate waves of pressure simply by punching the air." Sun Wukong explained.

Weeks passed like this and they were also trained to fight with their weapons. Athena, Mars, Kali, Durga, Thor, The valkyries, Bastet, Tyr, Teutates were there to coach them until they were summoned by Vishnu.

" You have all made great progress in your training, amazons. Your destiny will soon be at hands. But before you go, we have something to give you. " The head of the council of gods said, before clapping in his hands

Just then, Hermes appeared and knelt in front of the council before giving them what looked like 7 sets of earrings.

" What are those, Lord Vishnu ? They look pretty. " Sierra asked

" Those are more than just pretty earrings, Sierra : Those are potara earrings from the universe of the Supreme Kai. By putting them on, you will fuse with another of their bearers, creating a being with your memories, skills and powers. The only way to defuse is for the new being to take off the earrings." Vishnu stated

The amazons looked at each other : All of them being one in the same being ? This sounded so unrealistic and yet this was so intriguing.

" Why don't you all give it a try ? " Sun wukong asked

Of course, Miko wanted to and immediately took a pair and put them on before giving the rest to the others.

The girls all shrugged before putting them on. Suddenly, as if a greater force was acting, they all were pulled towards each other before a light similar to a sun illuminated the realm. A wave of power unlike anything before was felt by all the gods.

When the light disappeared, Valeria, June, Arcee, Miko and Sierra were gone. In their place stood someone else.

She was a young adult woman who stood at 7 feet 6, who had a blue skin, red hairs tied in a ponytail, with some streaks of black. Her eyes were golden and silver. She had now powerful muscles, and well-endowed curves. She wore Valeria's metal bra and a skin-tight short and the amazons marks were shown in brown on her midrift, arms and legs.

The members of the council smiled at her before noticing something : the fusion was not wearing the potara earrings and yet was not defused.

The new woman was busy feeling her curves and admiring her muscles.

" My gods, this is amazing. I feel incredible ! Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes ! I can win ! I feel great ! I can do this ! " The fused woman chanted to herself

" Wait a minute ! We need to solve a mystery. " Tyr interrupted her

" Oops, sorry my lords, I got carried away. " She said with a cheeky smile

Just then, Hermod arrived in the room.

" My lords, miladies ! The supreme Kai informed me that his prototypes potara earrings had disappeared from their place and that he found the completed version in their place. " the norse Messenger stated

" Prototypes earrings ? Completed version ? " Hades asked

" Yes, he said that those who wore the prototypes could never be defused. Ever " Hermod explained

The gods then looked at each other in horror : They gave the prototypes to the amazons and now, they couldn't be separated from this being.

" If I may milords, I can feel those five amazons in my head, they are settling in. " The fusion intervened

" Wait, seriously ? " Kali asked

" Yeah, and they do not blame you in the slightest. Try to talk to them. " the girl stated

Thoth then used his telepathy.

" Amazons, are you in there ? " He called

" We hear you, lord Thoth. Our fusion is right, you are not at fault. " June answered

" Yeah, it's very comfy in there. We have food, drinks, sports equipment, Books, DVD, games. " Miko added

" I'm sure Fusion will be an amazing heroine. " Valeria stated

" Well, if you are willing to trust her, we probably should too. " Thoth said before cutting off the communication

He reported what he found out to his fellows gods who took their decision after a moment of discussion.

" From now on, you shall be known as Mira Darby. Those powers you inherited from our chosen champions are a huge responsibility. " Vishnu stated

" I am willing to undergo this quest to defeat Evil, milords. " Mira responded a hand on her Heart.

" Then recite the oath and you will be ready to go, Mira. " Thoth stated as he made words appear out of thin air.

" To the Council of Gods, I make this solemn pledge: to use my powers for good. To fight for justice and protect the innocent. To aid my fellow amazons in times of peril. " Mira recited the oath

" Then as of today, Mira Darby, you are an amazon of the multiverse. " Tyr stated, slamming his spear on the ground.

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