origins : Sierra

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Sierra explored a cave filled with crystals, not knowing how she had gotten there in the first place.

"I was at my vacation home, and now I'm in this cave. Where is it?" she thought.

As she continued her way, she saw something inside one of the crystal. It was a sword, precisely a viking sword.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Sierra said, feeling drawn toward the weapon

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"Wow, it's beautiful," Sierra said, feeling drawn toward the weapon.

Suddenly, the ground began to quake, causing the crystals to shatter into pieces. A massive, horned creature emerged from the rubble and attempted to grab her. Sierra screamed in terror.

( Sierra's house )

Sierra bolted upright in her bed and looked around to see that she was in her bedroom.

"Oh God, what a nightmare. That's not the way to start a vacation in Germany." She muttered, getting up.

Indeed, Sierra was on a vacation in Berlin with her parents and her blonde friend, Sofia. Despite the unexpected snow outside, it was quite enjoyable. Seeing that it was 9 a.m., she got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. As she dried off, she noticed, on her thigh, a tattoo of a snowflake.

" What's that ? If my parents see this, they will freak out. " Sierra thought

But as she dressed, she looked in the mirror and saw a blue-skinned woman, with white hair, dressed in armor with a cloak strapped on her shoulders. Sierra jumped in fright at this sight.

"Calm yourself, Sierra, I don't wish you harm

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"Calm yourself, Sierra, I don't wish you harm." The woman said, raising her hands in a peaceful gesture. "But could you please close the door?"

Too scared to disobey, Sierra closed the bathroom door and came closer to the woman.

" Who are you ? Some kind of ghost ? Or am I hallucinating. " Sierra asked

" No, you're not hallucinating, and I am more than just a ghost. Listen closely, Sierra. My name is Skadi, goddess of winter, and I am speaking to you from the spirit realm. A long time ago, with the help of other heroes, I fought against an alien invader who attempted to invade our planet. Together, we managed to banish and seal him away from Earth." The woman explained

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