Chapter Thirty

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"It's crazy," He peered over at her, but she stared out the window of his car, "how much things can change."

His gaze traced over to where her finger were lingering against the cold glass.

In the distance, was a beautiful view of large houses being lit up in the dark by their porches.

Some had lanterns lining their long driveways into their luxurious homes.

Others were completely dark except for the lights on inside the home, indicating some kind of life form.

He snapped his head back to the direction of the road, driving almost without a destination.

"Do you remember the last time I was here?" She proceeded, as if in a daze.

"I do."

"You told me one day someone would love me for me." Her eyes drifted to the street in front of her, the headlights of Bucky's car clearing the way, "Do you remember?"

Bucky stiffened his hold on the streaming wheel, his right-hand finding her own on her seat.

"I'm surprised you remember that."

"How could I forget?"

He shook his head, "You blow me away sometimes. You make me so afraid," his grip tightened on hers, "I've never loved this hard before." He looks towards his window, but not necessarily looking, "fuck."

"Do you ever think about what would've happened if I hadn't left that night?"

Bucky jeered and then chuckled, "Do I ever think about that? I had our entire life planned. White picket fence and everything," he gave her hand another squeeze, "Of course I think about it."

"I'm sorry." He gazed at her in surprise. Her eyes were somber as she spoke, "I'm sorry I left you. I'll never leave you again."

The coastline took them both for ten more miles until they pulled into the driveway of a beautiful home.

The path was long, and the gravel dragged underneath his wheels, rumbling about.

On either side were long lighting posts, black lamps with an orange glow immersing from the bulb. There must've been at least twenty of them on each side as it took them into a sharp right curve, continuing for a few more seconds until, with a turn, they were both directly into the view of the multi-million dollar summer home.

The home was beige, two chimneys on the black tarp of the roof covered its top.

It was three stories tall, by longer in width than height. Its landscape was a pleasant contrast to Manhattan.

Whereas in the city there were lights and noise and glass everywhere, here trees and little lanterns created a nice ambiance; one of peace and serenity.

Riley wasn't surprised he'd thought this was the best place to come and clear his mind for a bit.

He approximated the proximal driveway, stopping just before the garage.

She watched as Bucky sat there for a second, his eyes trailing up the sides of the beautiful home.

"We got this place about two years after we married. Ashlyn figured it'd be a nice to place to start a family." He tells her.

She doesnt know what to say as she continues staring forward, her hand still holding his.

"She wanted it because she thought it was beautiful," his eyes linger on the home, "Now that I come to think of it, she wasn't wrong."

Riley rubbed her thumb across the back of his hand.

"Bucky --"

"It was the smell of the poppy seeds and the cherry blossoms -- that's what got me. There was something so nice about it. Something I didn't want to let go." He breathed as he let go of her hand to press the ignition button, turning off the car. He then rubbed her upper thigh, "Come on."

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