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He loved Riley with all his heart, and he knows he's never been so certain of anything else in his life.

It was only five months ago when he had proposed to her, already anxious to start their lives together.

After so many tears, fights, and anguish, finally, the day was here.

With a black suit and a black bow tie, he stood in front of the mirror with a small smile on his face.

He adjusted his tie, to the left and to the right.

"I love you so much." He panted into her neck as her right leg wrapped around his waist.

"We have forever." She whispered into his own neck.

A hand landed on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts, and his eyes met the man's in the mirror.

"You ready for this, man?" Sam asked, giving Bucky a comforting squeeze.

"I've never been more ready in my entire life."

"Great. Everyone's ready to start."

Bucky sucked in a deep breath, the butterflies reaching his brain.

He was ready.

Somewhere in the hallway near the bathrooms, Steve was on his phone.

"He told me he didn't want to tell me about the wedding, because he doesn't know how to handle our situation anymore."

"It is complex. Under other circumstances, I don't think any of them want anything bad for you. I don't think they've ever wanted anything more than for you to just come to terms with what you did."

"He says we weren't meant to be. That faith led us to where it's supposed to be."

Steve took a deep breath.

"I agree with him. You two weren't meant for each other. Maybe for a while, but not in the long run."

"What she did to me still hurts."

"I know, Ash. I know. What we all did, still hurts. We're all still human. But we are all also moving on, trying to be better."

"I never thought I would miss my sister's wedding."

"I don't think she thought that either."

Steve picked at the lint of his dress pants as they both sat in silence.

"Well, I have to go, I'm his best man."

"You always are."

Steve smiled and bit his bottom lip.

"Bye, Ash."


Riley had never felt so beautiful.

When she had gone dress shopping with her girls, it didn't take her much thinking to know which dress she wanted.

She had gone to representative after representative in the Micheal Cinco store, describing to them the same dress she had seen all that time ago.

The one that made her stop in her tracks. The one that literally took her breath away.

It had taken them two hours to find it. It was the only one in stock.

Tears had run down her face as her fingers trailed over the diamonds, not believing that this was actually happening.

She had tried it on, and she was a mess as she stood in it for everyone to see.

It was the one.

And when Riley spun around to meet Nat's gaze, Riley wondered if she recognized the dress.

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