6. Hazel and Cha-Cha

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"Two souls don't find each other by simple accident"

"Two souls don't find each other by simple accident"

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You, Five and Klaus were in the doctor's office.

"Like I told your son and his girlfriend earlier, any information about the prosthetice we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simple can't help you" the doctor said as he was sitting in his chair by his desk.

Five took a step forward from where he was standing next to you "Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name" he said as he took a tight grip on the table.

"Sorry. Now, there's really nothing more I can do, so..." "And what about my consent?" Klaus asked, cutting the doctor off.

"Excuse me?" the doctor asked, looking at him "Who gave you permission...to lay your hands...on my son?" Klaus asked and pointed at Five before he pointed on you "And his girlfriend?" he asked.

"What?" the three of you said confused "You heard me" Klaus said "I didn't touch your son or his girlfriend" the doctor said "Oh, really?" Klaus said, leaning forward in his chair "Well, then how did he get that swollen lip, then?" he asked before getting up.

"He doesn't have a swollen..." but the doctor got cut off when Klaus swung his arm around and punched Five in the mouth causing his body to turn as he grunt, his hand shooting up to where Klaus had punched him while you let out a gasps.

"And how did his girlfriend get that slap mark on her cheek" Klaus said while Five wiped some blood off his lips before he glared at Klaus.

Klaus then turned to you "Klaus, don't you dare touch her" Five hissed as he glanced at him with a killer look.

Klaus then lifted his hand before he slapped you causing you to let out a groan "What the hell!" you shouted as you put your hand on your cheek and Five rushed over to his wife and grabbed your face while looking at the slap mark on your cheek.

"It's not that bad" you said "I'm gonna kill him" Five mumbled angry "It's fine" you said as he stroke his thumb down your cheek.

Klaus then turned to the doctor "I want it. Name, please. Now" he said as he put his hands on the desk "I---" the doctor "How dare you try to touch me" you started as you began to fake crying "And then you hit my boyfriend when he tried to defend me. We did nothing to deserve this" you said.

"Give us the name. Now" Klaus said "You're crazy" the doctor said as he pointed his finger at him and Klaus chuckled "You got no idea" he said before he looked down to see a snow globe that was standing on the desk right under his head.

"'Pace on Earth'" Klaus said as he picked it up "That's so sweet" he said before he smashed it into his own head causing the glass to shattered all over his head and hair while he let out a groan.

As Klaus smashed it into his head, Five push you behind him, shielding you from the glass while Klaus let out a small yell in pain.

Klaus let out a groan as he lifted his head and some glass shards felled down on the floor while the others were still in his hair. The liquid from the globe dropped down his face making it mixed with the blood from his face.

Two assassins in love, Five Hargreeves (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now